I have seen the cover rough. You know, the thing that precedes the final cover itself. And it isawesome. I think you guys are really gonna like it. Next week is going to be exciting! Oh, was that me offering an actualwindow? Yes, yes it was. Which reminds me: If you were an ...
in a bit of a slump. Not just for me either: It says something when sales slip by over 80% but the salesrankingstays the same. October was flat-out a rough month across the board for booksellers in general, it would seem. Fall, pre-holidays, does seem to get hit like this, so p...
Besides, th e failur e of his business still cr ow d e d his mind, which challeng e d him most."When you los e everything lik e that, you don't trust your ambition. You'r e just trying to get t hrough th e day," Michael said. "It was har d t o look my kids in th...
A week or so ago, perhaps to mark the anniversary of my infection, it kicked off again and I had a rough couple of days. What this tells me is that I’m still learning the pacing lesson. Even – especially –when feeling not-too-bad, it’s important to not overdo things, and ‘...
3. (used with numbers) about; at a rough estimate. There were some thirty people at the reception.unos, cerca de, alrededor de adverb (American) somewhat; to a certain extent. I think we've progressed some.un poco, algoˈsomebody pronoun someone. alguienˈsomeday adverb (also some da...
Superman and I were starting to get a little annoyed with one another. I was still frustrated about the computer not working, and some blogging censorship, and Superman was a bit worn out from doing things the French-way; meaning stopping (a lot) to see the sights and eat good (sometim...
Sure, thesehandy chalkboard toolsweren't exclusive to the '70s, but they sure made life easier for teachers trying to draw straight lines on those rough Monday mornings. And if you were a band geek, well, seeing these meant one thing: music theory time. Before you knew it, you'd be ...
· 52 Things: Number 35: Give the rough idea of Pollard rho, Pollard "kangaroo" and parallel Pollard rho attacks on ECDLP. · 52 Things: Number 34: Describe the Baby-Step/Giant-Step method for breaking DLPs · 8 - 基于离散对数问题的公钥加密系统 · MIT-6-0001-Python-计算和编程入门...
Better get there quick and correct them, Hunter, eh? All of this might seem (or "seam"?) a bit nitpicky, right? But here's the thing, I'd estimate that a rough 30 to 40% of the sentences in this novel have some sort of error in them. Some are complete gibberish, some a...
Don't be so rough on yourself. Just move on and appreciate that family of yours. You're on the right path. Good luck! Foolish on August 27, 2015: Rockin Joe, I have read every. Single. Post. You're a kind man! I recently was caught shoplifting at kohls. As I've read, it ...