A show that similarly captured this gritty vibe is "Kojak," a realistic police procedural that follows Lieut. Kojak as he works with his team of cops within Manhattan's 11th Precinct. Kojak possessed an undeniable swagger and a willingness to do whatever was necessary to solve the case, combi...
A show that similarly captured this gritty vibe is "Kojak," a realistic police procedural that follows Lieut. Kojak as he works with his team of cops within Manhattan's 11th Precinct. Kojak possessed an undeniable swagger and a willingness to do whatever was necessary to solve the case, combi...
A show that similarly captured this gritty vibe is "Kojak," a realistic police procedural that follows Lieut. Kojak as he works with his team of cops within Manhattan's 11th Precinct. Kojak possessed an undeniable swagger and a willingness to do whatever was necessary to solve the case, combi...
Maybe Grandma could have brought these out of the closet when we visited, but I like to imagine that all the knick-knacks we showered her with over the years for birthdays and Christmases (seriously, why didn't Grandparents' Day catch on?) were her cherished treasures. She proudly displayed...
at Twin Towers Correctional Facility in downtown LA. Famous for housing mentally ill inmates that are arrested within LA County. To say I am jaded to bizarre activities is an understatement. I once forgot that a man had removed his own testicles that day when my wife asked, 'H...
I know of a case where the case worker has her mind made up because she thinks the one parent is being disrespect. I thought the main person was the child and where he would be the happiest. When the step parents are standing the the child will not say anything against them! It is ...
To say I am jaded to bizarre activities is an understatement. I once forgot that a man had removed his own testicles that day when my wife asked, 'How was work?' "Many years ago when I was on training and working a floor that houses the 'cream of the crop' crazies, a ...
No one wants to go to jail but sometimes it can’t be helped. Although there are more serious crimes that need to be dealt with, there are cops out there arresting people for the craziest and most stupidest things ever. You just never know if you are going to do something to make a...
some jerk was trying to force one “of the girls” into a hotel room and now he’s beating the crap out of him. Shogo watches Akira fight, mesmerized. When it looks like Akira is about to be attacked from behind, Shogo jumps in to Akira’s aid. They run from the cops directly to...
A show that similarly captured this gritty vibe is "Kojak," a realistic police procedural that follows Lieut. Kojak as he works with his team of cops within Manhattan's 11th Precinct. Kojak possessed an undeniable swagger and a willingness to do whatever was necessary to solve the case, combi...