If sewing wasn’t stepping back in time enough on its own, I also dug out my ironing board and iron, both of which have been tucked away for about as long as my sewing skills. And between ironing and sewing, I found myself thinking an awful lot about my mom. I turned on a Spotif...
Wednesday afternoon, in between the first night of protest and the second, I had a cup of coffee with a smart young sportswriter. We were talking about how Cam Newton spoke out in a blunt and bold way about race late last season, but has taken a softer tone this year. The young writ...
Anyway, the other part of the funnies was the word scramble, and I loved it. I was always good at that. I think the crossword was kept somewhere around there also, and I always did as much of that as I could. It was how I managed to feel kinda smart before going back for a se...
As a young-ish person, you have time to look around and make an informed decision. Try not to fall so head over heels in love with a house that you doesn't allow you to envision the whole picture. You can always find another dream house....