Lammergeyer "Beginning to End" Lammergeyer "Beneath the Sky" browse other titles by Lammergeyer in the ping things spotlight! Leark "distortion is: intentional" The Lonely Flight "Emotion.Flow" Low Frequency Pilot "Low Frequency Pilot"
The woman in this scene conveys so much with her eyes, mouth and a simple tilt of her head. Before she opens her dressing gown, she steels herself up. She raises her chin and takes a small step back, never taking her eyes off the man. She waits for his response. Seconds pass, and...
Pickles is a band that I discovered in the beginning in 2019. I am not the biggest folk-punk person but I can’t deny their charm and clever song lyrics. It is the right amount of political consciousness, self-depreciation, and humor. There are a lot of personal touches within the albu...
Mr. K in particular fell in love with the story and demanded that I go back to the beginning and read the chapters he missed (which we did the next day). Meanwhile, Miss M grabbed the book and started reading herself. While I normally ask her to wait and not “read ahead”, for ...
“I am quite convinced; and, believe me, if I were again beginning my studies, I should follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.”– Galileo “The child may learn the multiplication-table and do a subtraction sum without any insight into the rationale of either. He may even...
As technology has advanced, VSTs have become so powerful that they are beginning to take over analog hardware due to their price, portability and modeling accuracy.If you have the budget and the time, VSTs can accomplish nearly anything you can dream of, from autotuning your vocals, posing as...