Giacobbe, Alyssa
Kids today (sadly) only know the late Paul Newman as the guy on the pizza or popcorn box from the store. But baby boomers know that Paul Newman was the coolest guy ever. I mean, he was a movie star who drove race cars! Advertisement - Continue Reading BelowGetty Images 23 Seeing bill...
Things Only Washington State Boomers Will Remember Just for the record, I am just out of the boomer generation, but my father is definitely one. The generation affectionately known as the baby boomers or "boomers" are people born between the years 1946 and 1964. There were a ton of changes...
[18]. in 2 days it got millions of views and thousands of comments. as a result, 57% of generation z said they liked the advertisement , while almost 60% of baby boomers absolutely did not like it. 10. not so digital brick-and-mortar stores… to be or not to be? it is too ...
Baby boomers are now the fastest growing section of innovation customers. They’re finally beginning to embrace brand-new innovation as they understand just how much simpler it makes their busy lives. After all, many boomers are still looking after grown kids or grandchildren in addition to their...
World War II, people who didn’t get to choose what they were having for dinner and made sure their kids didn’t either. The parents of Gen X believed in spanking and borderline benign neglect, in contrast to the boisterous boomers and their deluxe offspring, the millennial horde. . . ....
Don’t know what I did next, all I know, I couldn’t stop Word got around to the barflies & the Baptists(I love how this points out that churchgoers can be every bit as gossipy as the “sinners” at the bar) My mama’s phone started ringin’ off the hook ...
The Baby Boomers Guide to Estate Planning." Some states do give these rights to close relatives and set the priority for who can make the decisions if you don't have a health care proxy. But if you want to be the one to decide who has these rights, it's best to have the document...
I don’t know why this 2019 article (Boomers, Take It from Woody or Iron Man: It’s Time to Pass the Torch) from Christianity Today showed up in my Twitter feed when it did. The algorithm was probably just messing with me. I do know that–as I read it–I became as, yes, an ...
Categories:Affirmative thinking and living,aging well,Anthology,architectural design,Architecture,Art,Artists,Authors and independent publishers,Baby Boomers,Books,Building community through partnerships,Business,business,Business and commerce,Business development,Business values and ethics,Communites of people,Cultur...