After briefly experimenting with a Halloween-themed release schedule in the show’s second season, Stranger Things 3 and Stranger Things 4 both came out in early summer, with season 4 being aired in two chunks released six weeks apart. This strategy has helped Netflix create summer blockbuster-...
Actor Tyler Sanders' impressive list of television credits included a starring role on the Amazon series "Just Add Magic: Mystery City" and guest appearances on "9-1-1: Lone Star" and "Fear the Walking Dead," all of which he'd achieved while still a teenager. Unfortunately, Sanders also ...
laguestlist Winter Fest OC is an absolute delight! Absolutely Empire of the Sun @ The Hollywood Bowl 11.23.24 to Carved at Descanso is a must-see for anyone lookin One of our favorite Halloween events has returned One of our favorite October gems this year is Boo- ...
Hopefully this news finds you in a good state as we head into the final months of the year. October is gone—farewell Halloween—and I’m forced to ask “Where did this yeargo?” Granted, a good portion of it was a blur that’s left a lingering mental miasma over the everything el...
Gloriously Gruesome Confections for Halloween–and the Rest of the Year A new cookbook offers recipes that are both wholesome and horrifying. by Anne Ewbank October 15, 2024 Podcast: Looking Toward the Sky with Summer Ash Fall in love with black holes. by The Podcast Team May 30, 202...
Perhaps that’s why I felt more of aneedfor Christmas this year. A want, really. A desire for the holiday season to arrive. There’s been so much shameless greed and Scroogian heartlessness this year that by before Halloween I was looking at my Christmas playlist with a note of longing...
I discovered that being forced to pay attention to the sun meant I couldn’t ignore a glorious sunset. After spending a quiet day reading, sorting, and noshing through my emergency Halloween candy, I was rewarded with a sky aflame as we left the dark house for the back deck, ate rosemary...
This is Halloween, not ‘Hello-weenie’! So daring. Caressing someone so sexually in public. Such audacity. It shocked the clerical collar right off my conservative cassock. So before the situation got out of hand (no pun intended), I descended back on the hellish dancefloor with angel ...
Drawing holiday-related imagery can be a fun way to capture the spirit of special days. Whether it’s carving a pumpkin for Halloween, lighting lanterns for Diwali, decorating a Christmas tree, crafting Valentine’s Day cards, or sketching fireworks for New Year’s Eve, there are countless op...
The Best Halloween Episodes On 'Family Guy' The Best Cat Cartoons Of All Time, Ranked The Best Miami Hurricanes Quarterbacks of All Time Fictional Characters Named Tony Entertainment 16 people have voted on Movies That Proved The True Scope Of Girl Power In 2023 ...