It states that Sullivan gives profound meaning to somber items like Adam Guettel's "Dividing Day". It appreciates Comstock for singing John Wallowitch's "This Moment".FinkleDavidBack Stage East
The happiest are not those who own all the bestthings, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life. 最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。 金山词霸 每日一句 Thingsmight have been different if I'd talked a bit more. ...
Intelligent people know that it’s important to stand up for what you believe in and they’re not afraid to disagree with the majority. While open-minded, they are not easily swayed by other people’s opinions because they q...
According to philosopher John Gray, author of the book “Feline Philosophy, Cats and the Meaning of Life”, cats have ethics and are also capable of love and affection.(根据哲学家约翰·格雷的说法,他是《猫哲学,猫和生命的意义》一书的作者,猫有伦理观,也能够爱和关心人类。) 这个长句中,“accor...
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aDo not be afraid to show people you are really good at.Talk about the things you like.People will be insterested in you if there is something about you. 不要害怕显示人 您是真正地好在。谈论您喜欢的事。人们将是insterested在您,如果有某事 关于您。[translate]...
They are obviously not social scientists. If you have made it this far and take one thing from me make it this – if you are looking for signs that humanity is good – don’t look up, look in. We do not know what is coming, but we get to choose how we handle ourselves (in ...
I suspect some of you – maybe many of you – think that I (and lots of others) are being unduly alarmist after just a week of Trump 2.0. I hope those who believe so end up being correct. I really do hope so. But I see no evidence – absolutely none – that the president’s ...
The best way to reach the Daintree Rainforest is to fly intoCairnsand then take the local bus up to Cape Tribulation. The rainforest is very remote and it is recommended you have a 4WD if you are driving yourself. Cell phone reception is extremely limited as well, so use this time to...
These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They arethingslike muscular dystrophy and haemophilia... 这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon andthingslike that... ...