2024 to-do-list & not-to-do list 🥹things to do: - Work for PhD - Read more in English including 20 books - Get efficient ways of note-taking - Work for better body figure and 22% fat rate - Bett...
15. I want to see everything there is to see in this city. 16. The storm destroyed everything in its path. 17. He has to check everything off his to-do list before leaving. 18. They won the game, giving it their everything. 19. They discussed everything from politics to sports....
This app contains 6 pages. User and swipe left/right (outside the list items) to move next/previous pages. It also supported highlighted features by swiping le…
5月 22 日首免推荐 Thinglist:虽然也是一个待办事项应用,不同的是你用它来记录 want to do,而不是 to do,可以理解为愿望清单。Thinglist 将你的愿望分为九大类,包括酒馆,书籍,电影,音乐,食物,灵感,地…
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.译:我最不愿意做的事情就是伤害你,但是这件事仍在我的考虑之列。意译:我真不想伤害你,但你也别逼我。这个句子没有语法错误。我们一般会在hurt前面加上to,或将hurt写成hurting。其实不然,当主句的主语有定语从句...
1. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it’s still on the list.正常版:在这个世界上,我最不愿意做的事就是伤害你,但是这件事仍在我的考虑之列。幽默版:我真不想伤害你,但你也别逼我。文艺版:吾虽不杀伯仁,伯仁因我而死。2.Politicians and diapers have one thing ...
16.Tony's List of Things to Do in China The Great Wall in BeijingThere is a saying in China."One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero."So the first thing to do in China is to visit the Great Wall.I'll take my lunch with me and have it on the wall.I'm sure ...
The COVID pandemic has created a new list of toys that people can’t do without — including some very cool high-tech solutions to unexpected challenges. Like staying healthy and working from home! Here are some of our favorites. Cubii Pro Seated Under Desk Elliptical Machine I’m Smiling ...
达芬奇会在笔记本上会列下每天的待办事项(to-do-list)。比如说,1496 年的一天,他写下这样一串话:“今天我要做的事情有:1. 去米兰和它的郊区采风。2. 画一副米兰全城图。3. 找一个数学学家给我讲讲三角形的知识。4. 找一个水力学家,告诉我怎么去修建一条运河。5. 去研究一下啄木鸟的舌头究竟长什么...