"Pole allows you to build a completely different type of relationship with yourself," observes Amanda Eva Cumberbatch, owner ofSoul Pole Dance and Fitness studioin Springfield Massachusetts. "You get to know your body better, and you engage parts of your body you didn't know existed. You lear...
Even if you don’t find a camper with a bunkhouse, chances are there will be more sleeping room in your camper than meets the eye. In addition to a bedroom, many campers have features such as convertible sofas and dinettes. This is a great way to save space in your camper while still...
Dr Schoenfeld reported being supported by the RIZE Foundation of Massachusetts for research related to harm reduction and receiving a grant from the NIDA for research related to implementation of medications for opioid use disorder in the emergency department. Dr Friedmann reported receiving grants from...
A suburb of Cincinnati in the Mill Creek Valley,Wyomingbegan to grow after the completion of the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad in 1851. It is named after another Wyoming, but not the one you might think: The original village was reminiscent of a spot in Pennsylvania with the sam...
During my freshman year at Springfield High School in Springfield, Pennsylvania, I had to have a lot of orthopedic surgery. And by my junior year, my family had moved again - this time to Framingham, Massachusetts. In many ways, I was a typical teenager; I wanted to be included in all...
Dr Schoenfeld reported being supported by the RIZE Foundation of Massachusetts for research related to harm reduction and receiving a grant from the NIDA for research related to implementation of medications for opioid use disorder in the emergency department. Dr Friedmann reported rece...