o脂 质体PreparatiOn Of cOenzyme Q10 IipOsOmes by thin-fiIm rehydratiOn methOd朱 斌 许时婴 夏书芹ZHU B讯xUshi一,讥gxlA shu—q讽一(江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214036)(&^00Z矿凡od sc拓,黜。以%c^加Zogy,s0“f砘m yo昭溉№泌邢吵,阢删,^o,拶H 214036,吼i舭)摘要:辅酶Q。。是一种人体内不...
The thin-film rehydration method comprises a step of sonication, making it a high-energy technique, where the sample is subjected to harsh conditions to obtain small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs), while microfluidics manufacturing, on the other hand, consists of gentle and non-turbulent processing ...
and ether injection. The conventional thin-film hydration method involves dissolving surfactant and cholesterol in an organic solvent, which is then evaporated to produce dried films. Subsequently, rehydration is achieved by adding an aqueous phase. The obtained niosomes can undergo sonication to produce...