因为Blue是美国警察的代名词,因为美国警察的警服大多是蓝颜色的。美国著名警匪电视剧NYPD Blue中的Blue也...
thin blue line 字面翻译为:细细的蓝线 蓝线指的是警察,美国的警察总是用蓝色的警戒线把案件现场围起来。如果是俚语的话,应该就是指警方包围犯罪现场用的蓝带子,美国电影、电视剧里经常可以看到的。The Thin Blue Line 这是几部电影及电视剧的名字:http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=the+t...
“Thin blue line”(细蓝线)是一个源自英国,但在美国更为广泛使用的警察代称,它代表着警察部门作为社会秩序的维护者和保卫者,守护着社会的“安全”和“正义”,并随时准备牺牲自己来保护公民。这个词汇还代表了警察对犯罪和社会混乱的应对能力。 “Thin blue line”这个词汇也经常被用来描述警察与危险和混乱的界限,...
1/29,2023开始争取每天看一部老电影(以下略)细细的蓝线(The Thin Blue Line)1988,美国,103分钟故事大概: 纪录片导演以访谈的形式,通过多名相关人士的证词,平反了一桩11年前真实的枪杀警察冤案。通过本片,当年蒙受冤情被判无期徒刑的被告重获自由,真凶认罪并被捉拿,同时也揭露出了司法程序中藏污纳垢的漏洞。
细蓝线(Thin blue line)最早来源于英国,是由 Thin Red Line(细红线)演化而来。1854年的克里米亚战争,身着红色军服的英国陆军肩并肩和俄国骑兵作战,站成一排的英军士兵就像一条细细的红线。 英军士兵仿佛一条细细的红线 到了20世纪50年代,当时的洛杉矶警察局局长在一个同名电视节目中使用了细蓝线(Thin blue line)...
The Thin Blue Line: Directed by Errol Morris. With Randall Adams, David Harris, Gus Rose, Jackie Johnson. A film that successfully argued that a man was wrongly convicted for murder by a corrupt justice system in Dallas County, Texas.
. This initial 15-minute interview with Adams led to “digging and digging” into the case and to an interview with Harris that turned Morris’ interest away from the “Dr. Death” documentary (he still plans to make that film) and toward the film that has become “The Thin Blue Line....
The Thin Blue Line: Directed by Errol Morris. With Randall Adams, David Harris, Gus Rose, Jackie Johnson. A film that successfully argued that a man was wrongly convicted for murder by a corrupt justice system in Dallas County, Texas.
Recent events such as the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, have highlighted the increased militarization of police forces in the United States. This paper utilizes a new dataset that covers all military equipment transfers between the Defense Logistics Agency and local police forces from 1990 to 2014 to...