Thin blue line: Rachel Haidu on the Krasinski studio.(INTERNATIONAL NEWS)(polish artist Edward Krasinski)WHEN POLISH ARTIST Edward Krasinski died in 2004 at the age of seventy-nine, his practice was only beginning to receive the international acclaim it deserves within the canon of postwar ...
thin blue line 字面翻译为:细细的蓝线 蓝线指的是警察,美国的警察总是用蓝色的警戒线把案件现场围起来。如果是俚语的话,应该就是指警方包围犯罪现场用的蓝带子,美国电影、电视剧里经常可以看到的。The Thin Blue Line 这是几部电影及电视剧的名字:
At the Thin Blue Line Shop, you'll find the most amazing collection of apparel, jewelry, accessories and gifts for law enforcement and police officers.
因为之前看见朋友圈转了一个人玩HKP的事,然后发现这个thin blue line在LE圈子越来越流行这个东西 就来...
蓝条的标准名字叫做细蓝线(thin blue line),蓝色在英美是代表警察或执法部门的色调,细蓝线表示警察站在混乱和秩序的分界上,警察在这条线上守护着秩序//@StelliaLin:同问//@秋山初月:这国旗什么讲究[哆啦A梦...
Wonders of the Solar System The Thin Blue Line(Season 1, Episode 3) TV-PG TV Episode|60 min|Documentary, Family Edit pageAdd to list Professor Brian Cox takes a flight to the top of earth's atmosphere, where he sees the darkness of space above and the thin blue line of our atmosphere...
Thin Blue Line Wiki is an encyclopaedic website which aims to be able to provide detailed information on all the different aspects of the hit BBC television series such as episodes, characters etc. As this site is a fan site, this means that any visitor
关于细蓝线(Thin Blue Line, TBL)的出处上述回答已经讲得很清楚了,所以在此不再赘述。作为警察亚文化的一部分,TBL在不同时期和不同国家表达的作用是不尽相同的。 以我所熟知的英国为例:在五十年代至九十年代,TBL作为舶来词仍沿用了其最早的含义,即“秩序与混乱间必要的分界线”;但在二零一零年后,特别是一二...
细蓝线(Thin blue line)最早来源于英国,是由 Thin Red Line(细红线)演化而来。1854年的克里米亚战争,身着红色军服的英国陆军肩并肩和俄国骑兵作战,站成一排的英军士兵就像一条细细的红线。 英军士兵仿佛一条细细的红线 到了20世纪50年代,当时的洛杉矶警察局局长在一个同名电视节目中使用了细蓝线(Thin blue line)...
. This initial 15-minute interview with Adams led to “digging and digging” into the case and to an interview with Harris that turned Morris’ interest away from the “Dr. Death” documentary (he still plans to make that film) and toward the film that has become “The Thin Blue Line....