Twitter Google Share on Facebook thigh bone (redirected fromthigh bones) Medical Related to thigh bones:Hip bones,Leg bones or thighbone n (Anatomy) a nontechnical name for thefemur Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> leg bone trochanter thigh medial condyle lateral condyle femur femoris thighbone noun Synonyms for thighbone nounthe longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton ...
BRIAN replies: Two cruciate ligaments stabilise the stifle - knee - joint and cross over between the thigh bone and shin bone. ASK the VET; Pets and their People The commission first showed a lone skull from what the agency termed as 'set of human bones.' The skull was found from a ca...
Shakira and Justin just use the hip and thigh anatomy to its full potential. In this page, we will focus on the anatomy of the hip and thigh, and discover the incredible functions of this part of the human body. Key facts about the hip and thighTable quiz Pelvis Bones: hip bones, ...
the top part of the leg of a chicken, etc., cooked and eaten Word Origin Seethighin the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation:thigh 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的787合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇「接受」將啟用追蹤技術,以支持「我們及...
舞步大师74:如何把坐骨和马匹紧紧相连 HOW TO CONNECT YOUR SEAT BONES TO THE HORSE RIDING POSITION 585 -- 3:24 App 舞步大师203:怎样伸直脚、放低脚后跟 HOW DO I KEEP MY FEET STRAIGHT AND HEELS DOWN - DM 203 516 -- 0:46 App 马匹步伐 “ STEPPING PACE“ 踏步 671 -- 5:43 App 舞步大...
Long bones are found in the thigh, lower leg, and upper and lower arm. These bones are very strong, are broad at the ends where they join with other bones, and have large surface areas for muscle attachment. Short bonesGrammar Exercises...
Some might choose to start a tattoo on the thigh and extend it down the leg or up to the hip. Other thigh tattoos might circle the leg for a closed effect. Women might also opt for large, elaborate thigh tattoos, or they could choose a more 'delicate' looking tattoo design - a ...
of fowls, based on the color when cooked, were popularized 19c., supposedly as euphemisms for leg or thigh...The choicest parts of a turkey are the side bones, the breast, and the thigh bones...The breast and wings are called light meat; the thigh-bones and side-bones dark meat......
semitendinosus extends thigh and flexes knee"middle thin muscle" fibularis longus plantar flexes"muscle going from plantar to pinky toe" tibialis anterior mover of dorsiflexion"shin muscle" extensor digitorium longus mover of toe extension"connects to all the toe bones" extensor hallucis longus exte...