The Thieves Guild is not the worst bit of writing in Skyrim. (I think I’d give that honor to the quest in Markarth where you have to deal with the Forsworn.) But I don’t want you to think I’m cherry-picking some halfhearted sidequest. This is a major part of Skyrim and a lo...
He will ask you to follow him so that he can show you what the Thieves Guild is all about. This completes the quest "Taking Care of Business" and starts the next Thieves Guild Quest, "Loud and Clear".
安装这个mod很简单,通过Steam Workshop即可。将文件"followingmercer.esp"和"followingmercer.bsa"放入你的Skyrim/Data文件夹中。(旧版本的文件名为TGNQ,如果你在数据文件夹中找到了它,请将其删除!) 这是我的第一个mod。我对编程和类似的东西知之甚少,只是回忆了十多年前参加的一门101级别的课程。我在发布这个m...
Finding Brynjolf And Joining The Thieves Guild In Skyrim The “Taking Care of Business”Skyrimquest tasks players with finding and beating up three people who have debts with Brynjolf. Players can also ask Brynjolf for advice to find alternative ways to collect the debts for him. Players will...
Skyrim's Thieves Guild questline is more subtle. It involves trying to rebuild a neglected guild, and eventually culminates in the Dragonborn getting revenge on the guild's leader. While there are some very cool moments in this questline (particularly the involvement of Nocturnal, one of The ...
I edited the amount of leveled gold you receive from thieves guild radiant quests and from turning in the special Items.
If you really want to go back to Skyrim right at the beginning, you can just go right there right from the start. If you want to go to some areas that weren't in the other Elder Scrolls games, you can just go right to Summerset or elsewhere. It really, really is very, very ...