The meaning of THICK SKIN is an ability to keep from getting upset or offended by the things other people say and do. How to use thick skin in a sentence.
“banana skin”字面意思是“香蕉皮”,还可以表示的意思是“麻烦、使人出丑的突发事件”。 [例句] 1.The new tax has proved to be abanana skinfor the government. 事实证明,新税收给政府带来了麻烦。 2.The director has slipped on aban...
My Son is experiencing very thick layer of skin peeling from his toes and fingers. This not the normal type of peeling. His skin is not dry. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
(British English) if people or things are thick/thin on the ground, there are a lot/not many of them in a place Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year. Security officers were thick on the ground during the King’s visit. a thick skin the ability to accept ...
man feet image by timur1970 Thick, rough skin under your toenails is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Thickening toe skin may be a sign of fungus on the toes, which can be socially embarrassing and may cause toenail loss. Some toe fungi spread quickly to other toes, so ...
thick skin noun 1.(anatomy) piel gruesa (F) The soles of the feet have thick skin.Las plantas de los pies tienen la piel gruesa. 2.(toughness) insensibilidad a las críticas (F) To work in Hollywood, you have to have thick skin.Para trabajar en Hollywood, hay que posee...
Thick Nail Clippers Professional Feet Toenail Nipper Manicure Scissors Cuticle Toe Nail Clippers Cutters Pedicure Nail Tools Description: Made of high quality stainless steel, durable enough for your daily using The handle is made of ABS Resin which is skin-friendly, flexible and comfortable for you...
He strewed a good thick bed of rushes upon the floor, and on the top of this he threw the shaggy chamois skin--a great thick one--on which he used to sleep by night. View in context Light and view were given by means of four thick lenticular glass scuttles, two pierced in the ...
Sucking Hawaiian dude Kevin thick cock. Beefcake Kevin found himself bored at home the weekend that his girlfriend was out of town for work, so when we crossed
Ifyouhaveanycorns(thickorhardskinontoes), calluses(thick skinonbottom of feet), in-grown toenails, warts or slivers, have them [...] 若長出雞眼(腳趾上的厚或硬皮)、足繭(腳底的厚皮)、腳甲倒生、疣、或皮膚破裂時,應找醫生 或足部護理專家(如足...