3) Thickness of film 薄膜厚度 1. The equation for thickness of film was obtained by the method of characteristics. 并利用特征线法,得到薄膜厚度的方程。 更多例句>> 4) thickness of thin film 薄膜厚度 1. An optical method of online measurement for thethickness of thin films; ...
Experiments were conducted using electrically conductive CVD diamondthick filmas Electrode in die sinking EDM. 将导电CVD金刚石厚膜用作电火花加工的电极,研究了其精微加工特性. 互联网 There are two types of basic integrated circuit : integrated circuit and the thin orthick film. ...
microelectronicsmicrosensorsmodificationevaporationIntroductionThick Film ProcessesThin Film ProcessesCompatibility IssuesLangmuir-Blodgett Films for SensorsConcluding RemarksReferencesdoi:10.1002/9783527620128.ch6Shih-Chia ChangWen H. KoWiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH
film n. 1.[C]电影;影片 2.[U]电影制作艺术;电影业 3.[U]新闻片 4.[U,C]胶片,胶卷,底片 5.[C]薄薄的一层;薄膜 v. [I,T]拍摄电影 thick headed a. 愚蠢的,笨的 thick stemmed adj. 厚茎的 thick and thin a. 不顾艰难险阻的,忠贞不渝的 thick skulled a. 迟钝的 thick set 稠密...
metal film, metal oxide, wirewound, metal strip and carbon composition. digikey.ca 市场上提供的制造技术涉及厚膜、薄 膜 、碳 膜、金属膜、金属氧化物、绕线、金属片和碳质。 digikey.cn [...] and leaded ceramic capacitors, RF thick film and thin film components, tantalum capacitors, film cap...
Athickfilmhasaredshiftofdirecttransitionbandgapthanthin filmsdueto the strong interface interaction. 由于厚膜中存在较强的表面相互作用,厚膜的直接跃迁禁带宽与薄膜相比发生了红移。 www.dictall.com 10. ThethickfilmhybridintegratedpressuresensorwasdevelopedinShenyangAcademyofInstrumentationScience. ...
film n. 1.[C]电影;影片 2.[U]电影制作艺术;电影业 3.[U]新闻片 4.[U,C]胶片,胶卷,底片 5.[C]薄薄的一层;薄膜 v. [I,T]拍摄电影 thick headed a. 愚蠢的,笨的 thick stemmed adj. 厚茎的 thick and thin a. 不顾艰难险阻的,忠贞不渝的 thick skulled a. 迟钝的 thick set 稠密...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook myosin (redirected fromthick filaments) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to thick filaments:thin filaments my·o·sin (mī′ə-sĭn) n. Any of a class of proteins that bind with actin filaments and generate many kinds of cell movement, especially the con...
Thin-Film Low Pass Filter (478-2909-6-ND) The LP0603 ITF (Integrated Thin Film) Lead-Free LGA Low Pass Filter is based on thin-film multilayer technology. The technology provides a miniature part with excellent high frequency… Thin-Film Directional Couplers (CP0603A1747MLTR\500) The ...
High-rate pulsed laser deposition was applied to the preparation of thick LiCoO2 cathode films, which were then used in the fabrication of thin-film batteries. The deposition rate of the LiCoO2 films was 2–3 μm/h. The thin-film batteries showed an increase in capacity up to 470 μ...