Eight cats (the experimental group) were subjected to a vitamine-B 1 -poor diet until they developed neurological symptoms (epileptic attacks, ataxia, gait disturbances), while 24 cats were fed normally and served as control group. Immediately following the appearance of neurological signs, a ...
A disease caused by a deficiency of thiamine, characterized by neurological symptoms, cardiovascular abnormalities, and edema, and occurring chiefly in individuals whose diet consists largely of polished rice. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company...
Related to Thiamine deficiency:beriberi,Wernicke's encephalopathy ber·i·ber·i (bĕr′ē-bĕr′ē) n. A disease caused by a deficiency of thiamine, characterized by neurological symptoms, cardiovascular abnormalities, and edema, and occurring chiefly in individuals whose diet consists largely of...
Thiaminedeficiency causes derangement ofcarbohydrate metabolism. “Dry beriberi” results inneurological symptomsand death, whereas “wet beriberi” is characterized by cardiac symptoms and disorders, including heart failure and death. This disease was common among prisoners of war in Japanese camps during...
Thiamine deficiency refers to a state of severe depletion of thiamine in the body, which can occur due to various reasons such as chronic alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, AIDS, or pregnancy. It can lead to cardiovascular symptoms like dyspnea, fatigue, leg edema, and palpitations, as well as ner...
Neurological symptoms of thiamine deficiency appeared when brain levels of TMP and TDP fell below 15% of normal values. Activities of the TDP-dependent enzyme α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase were more severely reduced in thalamus compared to cerebral cortex, a less vulnerable brain structure. On the ...
Vitamin E deficiency ataxia with (744 del A) mutation on α-TTP gene: genetic and clinical peculiarities in Moroccan patients Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized clinically by neurological symptoms with often striking resemblance... Naima Marzouki an...
Thiamine is water-soluble, and has been shown to improve glutamate, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurological transmissions.[vii] If you are perfectly healthy and don’t have a thiamine deficiency, you’ll likely not feel anything after supplementing with thiamine. But I’ve come across stud...
Thiamine administration reverses thegastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and neurological symptoms;however, if the deficiency has been severe or of prolonged duration, the neurological damage may be permanent. View all Safety Profile Poison by subcutaneous and intravenous routes. An experimental teratogen. ...
TD in humans may lead to irreversible neurological consequences such as Wernicke's encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy (11). Moreover, low TDP concentrations and impaired thiamine-dependent enzymatic activities have been detected in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other ...