NEC, THHN & AWG Wire Gauge Ampacity Rating Chart This section only serves as a guide when looking at a gauge chart. If you plan to install anything involving electricity, always call for a professional electrician to handle the work for you. The table below shows that the AWG value is opp...
SIZE OF CONDUCTOR No.&Nominal Diameter of Wire Wall Thickness Approximate Overall Diameter Minimum Insulation Resistance Ampacity Cable Nominal Weight MM Approximate AWG MM MM MM MM M-Ohm-Km 90ºC Wet 90ºC Dry KG/KM Solid PVC Nylon THWN THHN 1.6 14 1×1.6 0.4 0.10 2.60 130 35...
SIZE OF CONDUCTOR No.&Nominal Diameter of Wire Wall Thickness Approximate Overall Diameter Minimum Insulation Resistance Ampacity Cable Nominal Weight MM Approximate AWG MM MM MM MM M-Ohm-Km 90ºC Wet 90ºC Dry KG/KM Solid PVC Nylon THWN THHN 1.6 14 1×1....
* 14 to 1000 MCM THHN (stranded) - (size) AWG TYPE MTW OR THHN OR THWN 600 V OR GASOLINE AND OIL Parameter SIZE OF CONDUCTORNo.&Nominal Diameter of WireWall ThicknessApproximate Overall DiameterMinimum Insulation ResistanceAmpacityCable Nominal Weight ...
AWG OR KCMILThicknessTHICKNESSDiam.lbs/1000ft milsmilsInchesAmpacity*LBS/KFTcopper 14Solid1540.11201613 12Solid1540.12252420 10Solid2040.15353832 14191540.11201713 12191540.13252420 10192040.17353933 8193050.22506451 6193050.26659782 4194060...
* 14 to 1000 MCM THHN (stranded) - (size) AWG TYPE MTW OR THHN OR THWN 600 V OR GASOLINE AND OIL Parameter SIZE OF CONDUCTORNo.&Nominal Diameter of WireWall ThicknessApproximate Overall DiameterMinimum Insulation ResistanceAmpacityCable Nominal Weight...
THHN/THWN-2 wire 6AWG and larger Sunlight Resistant in all colors. THHN wire is sold in 500-foot spools. Features Type THHN/THWN-2 Wire Conductors Stranded, uncoated copper conductors per ASTM-B3, ASTM-B787 and ASTM-B8 Stranded Copper Conductor Insulation Color-coded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)...
*Ampacity Cable Nominal Weight MM Approximate AWG MM MM MM M-Ohm-Km 90ºC wet 90 ºC dry KG/KM Solid PVC Nylon 1.6mm 14 1x1.60mm 0.4 0.10 2.60 130 35 35 22.62 2.0 mm 12 1x2.00mm 0.4 0.10 3.00 110 40 40...
THWN-2 available in sizes 8 AWG and larger . SizeNo. of strandsInsulationJACKETNom.NECApprox. Wt. AWG OR KCMILThicknessTHICKNESSDiam.lbs/1000ft milsmilsInchesAmpacity*LBS/KFTcopper 14Solid1540.11201613 12Solid1540.12252420 10Solid2040.15353832
*Ampacity Cable Nominal Weight MM Approximate AWG MM MM MM M-Ohm-Km 90ºC wet 90 ºC dry KG/KM Solid PVC Nylon 1.6mm 14 1x1.60mm 0.4 0.10 2.60 130 35 35 22.62 2.0 mm 12 1x2.00mm 0.4 0.10 3.00 110 40 40 33.57 2.6 mm 10 1x...