their wild car their wisdom their younger age theirsversion theknife thekospora pseudo-cer thelastride - thelasttimeisawparis thelloan tĒ lÎn thellooxantheres thellord party thellord stomach thellord-person techn thelloswomanisdangero thelmo cunanan thelper thelung-qishouldkeepp thelychiton th...
the windows were tint the winds of the step the wisdom of a scrib the wiser never marry the wish masters the wizard of oz coll the wolf said the wolfs head the wolfman the woman - the woman has gone th the woman in my life the woman walks about the woman who is wise the womans ...
What is comes to the topic of…, most of us will reaily agree that ….Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of …. Where some are convinced that…, others maintain that….(他们的分歧)用一个大家都统一的观点引出,然后强调一个他们最终不同意的点 中文案例: Keep wha...
7. 1. 6 补译替代部分 例1:With September, comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the tree-tops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistle down across the valley and away. 【译文】九月来临,秋意渐浓。这...
But as long as they felt that they can really count on the other one when they are going out tough, those arguments didn’t take a toll on their memories. So, this message, that good, close relationships are good for our health and well-being; this is the wisdom that’s as old as...
Tsze-yu being governor of Wu-ch'ang, the Master said to him, "Have you got good men there?" He answered, "There is Tan-t'ai Miehming, who never in walking takes a short cut, and never comes to my office, excepting on public business....
For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.2 Corinthians 4:4The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel ...
When it comes to the topic of __, most of us will readily agree that __. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of __. Whereas some are convinced that __, others maintain that __. Keep what “they say” in view ...
"He used to say to me, 'Share your wisdom, Mom. Share your wisdom with me,'" she said. "Who says that as a kid?" she added. "And I would, and he would listen and he would take it in and you would see him implement the things we shared with him that we wanted him...
Or God is allowing this according to His plan for the end of the age to happen. We are seeing the “birth pains” play out now as they get closer and closer before giving birth to the final 7 years. Everything will be in place for the final world ruler before the end co...