They resisted_and won the battle in the end.)A. uprootB. desperatelyC. offerD. reveng
Sherman) War is hated and often resisted; for many, Rock and Roll was the medium of their resistance. The Vietnam war was one of the most hated and protested wars in American History and Rock and Roll led that protest. Many Classic Rock songs such as “Fortunate Son” by Credence Clear...
The Toronto Maple Leafs general manager pushed his chips all-in – a decision that could go a long way in defining his tenure in the pressure-packed role he's occupied since the spring of 2018. Dubas once again resisted any potential off-season urge to blow...
ISPs have long resisted sharing address-level data with the FCC, and still won't under the new plan. Instead, carriers will report on access based on regions called "shapefiles." The polygon shapefiles will be overlaid on census blocks to depict the areas where broadband-capabl...
(e.g., unstable internet, diminished cell-phone connectivity). Participants’ school-age siblings or other relatives were home and sometimes nearby during our focus groups, informing what participants disclosed. Depending on various factors, participants sometimes resisted turning their cameras on. Some...
The claim of pedophilia will become another resisted thing – only this time with truly nasty consequences as the misuse will trivialize the claim even in those cases where it is true. Yeah, having racist and sexist and even phobist jerks around doesn’t help anyone, but this? This will ...
Beavers(水獭) were once nearly extinct (绝种的). But they have made a surprising comeback in the United States. In the early 1 of our country, they were seen as an easy source of 2 and were often 3 . Beaver pelts(毛皮) were 4 lik
Even as “big data” has taken off as a subject of discussion, I’ve resisted adding it to my list (although I’ve occasionally dabbled with “analytics” if only because it makes for such a good acronym: SMAC — social, mobile, analytics and cloud). Today I’m going to cement my ...
The development tools the studio used, which lacked basic features such as aphysics system, were partially to blame for the poor company culture. Anotherreported source of frustrationwas former CEO Kevin Bruner, who resisted giving creative employees credit for their visions. ...
“If they’re going to continue selling these products they should at least be honest and put it on the label.” We invited representatives of the six companies that make the 10 brands in our study to talk to us about our findings, why the industry has resisted more transparent labeling,...