Istanbul (Not Constantinople)-They Might Be Giants 播放量:2096 在手机上播 视频简介 They Might Be Giants发行时间:2013-09-30 结合了诡异离奇幽默感和从纽约后朋克地下音乐中学到的先锋美学,“他们可能成为巨人”是80年代末90年代初期另类乐队中最不可能的成功故事。TMBG由2个大男孩组成,曲风有些实验的味道,...
Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople 登录以查看完整歌词 出演艺人 John Flansburgh 演唱 John Linnell 演唱 Charlie Sepulveda 小号 Mark Feldman 小提琴 作曲和作词 Jimmy Kennedy 词曲作者 Nat Simon 词曲作者 制作和工程 Alan Winstanley 制作人 Bob Ludwig 母带工程师 Clive...
演奏者: They Might Be Giants 唱片专辑: Flood 歌曲: Istanbul Not Constantinople Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night Every gal in Constantinople ...
Istanbul. 译文: 他们可能是巨人. 伊斯坦布尔. 歌词 原文: They Might Be Giants. Istanbul (Not Constantinople). 译文: 他们可能是巨人. 伊斯坦布尔(不君士坦丁堡). 歌词 原文: They Might Be Giants. Istanbul (Not Constantinople). 译文: 他们可能是巨人. 伊斯坦布尔(不君士坦丁堡). ...
This title is a cover of Istanbul (Not Constantinople) as made famous by They Might Be Giants The lyrics below are only an example. Go on, write your own! *Or go on, test your singing skills in Latin! Be one of the first to customize this song Unlimited changes to your song for ...
They Might Be Giants Medley (Tab) Over the last 35 years They Might Be Giants have but out some of the funnest and nerdiest music around (and found some time topaint cat ukuleles). So I collected together some of their best known songs along with some of my favourites. ...
Birdhouse in Your Soul (String Quartet Tribute to They Might Be Giants) Boat Of Car Cyclops Rock Dead 3 Dead (demo) Dinner Bell Doctor Worm 2 Don’t Let’s Start 2 Drink End Of The Tour Finished With Lies Hopeless Bleak Despair Hovering Sombrero I Never Go to Work...
Listen to music by They Might Be Giants on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by They Might Be Giants, including Istanbul (Not Constantinople), Birdhouse In Your Soul and more.
专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: They Might Be Giants流派:摇滚 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 Istanbul was constantinople Now it's istanbul now constantinople Been a long time gone constantinople Now it's church delight on a moonlit night Every gal in constantinople Lives in istanbul now constantinople So if ...