As the famous meme goes: "Why not both?" If the results of the program is that the world is made a slightly better place and even if the motives for that program were to simply "look good" to younger generations that prioritize this then at the end of the d...
even the hilariously shitty ones, means that people who don’t want to wade through dry and jargon-heavy criticism just to understand what the hell this film was trying to accomplish will find useful and probably new information.
even the hilariously shitty ones, means that people who don’t want to wade through dry and jargon-heavy criticism just to understand what the hell this film was trying to accomplish will find useful and probably new information.
I have total faith in you.Affirm your vote of assurance in their abilities, no matter the obstacles ahead. This is just a season.Reinforce that overwhelming periods are temporary events rather than permanent realities. I’ll make you laugh if you need it!Vow to prov...
It’s just about protecting kids who are still not physically adult. It’s all the law can do. the rest falls to parents. Now leaving that aside, and returning to this. Milo has busted three pedophiles. He is vocal in saying that pedophilia can’t be condoned. BUT an unholy alliance...
the song has become a classic pop-punk party anthem with its sing-along hook and catchy undulating verses. It's a song about nothing and everything at once; it's about letting go and being free from any troubles. Work sucks, they kn...
But yeah, the problem is that, even in stories, modern people tend to fall into either making a character “good” or “evil,” with no “dangerous but just happens to have a similar goal right now.” Like if the Punisher was hunting vampires. And his info-providing partner was a va...
For V-Man, who better to go to for a more atmospheric song than a musician who captures that atmospheric heaviness regularly with Tool. "Those [are the] types of little things that just make the album special," the bassist explained. ...
It’s doing exactly what I wanted: letting me drive around a future world and shoot people in the face while periodically hacking. It’s biggest problem really was the hype. And the reaction just feels baffling. Have people *never* been disappointed by a game before? Do they not know ...
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