“Probably should,” she responds as she looks over the edge of her reading glasses at me, and then glances back down at the crossword puzzle she’s working. “Give me a six-letter word for ridiculous.” I search the recesses of my brain and spit out a word. “Absurd.” Ms. Markie...
Judy: I’m just trying to complete today’s crossword puzzle. Whenever I have time,省略... 1、Henry is good at darts. 2、Henry used to play dominos with his parents every day. 3、Judy doesn’t like to play games that require her to think hard. 4、Judy enjoys playing cards online....
On a personal level, ever since the quarantine year of 2020 when I began regularly attempting theNYTSunday crossword on a weekly basis, Shortz has had a hand in providing me (at minimum) hundreds of hours of enjoyment. By the time it will all be said and done, he’ll probably have g...
This June, I participated in Safe Place for Youth’s Host Home Program, short-term “interventions” for unhoused young people, ages 18 to 24. In December, stuck in L.A. traffic, my ears had pricked up. Marlene and Michael Rapkin were on the radio describing an inspiring three months ...
I’m afraid of the kind of traffic this story will bring to my blog. There’s some nasty buzz words lurking in these prose. Words I wouldn’t want to show up in a search engine, or across a national security agent’s desk.