over the years.Her current dog,Muffin,with a bad temper, 10 pulls at the end of his lead.So when a heavy fall of snow came a year and a half ago she was 11 when a neighbour offered to 12 the dog;just so she wouldn't be pulled off her feet and break a 13 .And each day he...
He flew into the house with the of a Formula 1(一级方程式赛车). In several minutes he ran over all the house, from my shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the , where my wife washed him with motherly . From that day on, the invisible(看不见的) for the love of the new ...
Got told very calmly 'as soon as you're alone and there's no one to save you, I'm going to f*ck you to death.' What's scarier though is the really manipulative guys will listen in on you constantly and memorize any bit of personal information you let slip. Then when ...
After many dates and encounters, Alex chose Amanda over runner-up Trista Rehn. However, Alex didn't propose to Amanda and instead decided to date. Turns out, the couple only lasted a year before they broke it off. Yeah, we were bummed too. Now: Alex Michel So what is the handsome Ale...
Thomas had fought a long and hard battle against lung cancer for three years. Unfortunately, he has broken the promise that he and Melinda had made: to be with each other for every birthday. Melinda knew this was unrealistic (不现实的) but agreed to the promise for Thomas’s sake.“...
Our ancestors did well, and now we are watching another generation throw everything the women of past fought for, away, like trash. WOMAN, THY NAME IS 'VICTIM' When we hear about the House of Representatives these days, the reports are constantly about the "women"... who have just shown...
She is also a talker, constantly mewing and chirping, We adopted her with her sister Calliope. Calliope is one of the most beautiful cats alive, fight me. Calliope is a big, sturdy tortie who is quieter and probably smarter than her sister. She’s shyer but she also seeks us out when...
They spent their whole lives constantly worried about being ridden with the bullets of their cousins, and always afraid of being hacked to death by tribal enemies ^^ No one misses that lifestyle. But it is strange for many to expect that a tribal people who for centuries have seen...
He served in the Civil War, fighting with the Confederates, but the battles he fought didn’t quell his love of guns and rough justice because after he returned to Austin he shot and killed a man during an argument over a mule. A mule. Seriously. And since the mule was technically Arm...
We have had our first clear instance where we saw why Harris’ team fought for keeping the microphones unmuted throughout the debate. As Trump claimed that “we don’t make chips anymore” in the U.S., Harris, shown in a split screen, mouthed the words “that...