a. que ellos (masculine or mixed gender) The father of the boys said that they are twins.El padre de los niños dijo que ellos son mellizos. b. que ellas (feminine) The girls said that they will arrive at ten.Las chicas dijeron que ellas van a llegar a las diez.Copyright...
d. se aman la una a la otra (feminine) Heather and Laura had a beautiful wedding. It's clear that they love each other.Heather y Laura tuvieron una boda hermosa. Es claro que se aman la una a la otra. e. se quieren el uno al otro (masculine or mixed gender) It's always nice...
2. people in general: They say he's rich. 3. (used with an indefinite singular antecedent in place of the definite masculine he or the definite feminine she): Whoever is of voting age, whether they are interested in politics or not, should vote. [1150–1200; Middle English < Old Norse...
Spanish nouns havegender. Nouns listed as such in dictionaries are either masculine or feminine. The designation is often arbitrary — some words associated with males are feminine, and a word such aspersona(person) is feminine whether it refers to males or females. Some words can bemasculine o...
Pronouns are words that are marked linguistically for gender, including feminine (she), masculine (he), and ungendered (it, they). They are also marked for number, where she/he/it are singular, but they can be used with either singular or plural meanings. These features help determine how...
LatinxandLatineare both gender-neutral versions ofLatinoandLatina, whose-oand-aendings correspond to the masculine and feminine forms traditionally assigned to nouns and adjectives in the Spanish language. AlthoughLatinois often used as the default gender-neutral form (both in Spanish and English), ...
“Elle is a push for progress, in a language like Spanish where the nouns and adjectives you use to refer to yourself in everyday life are masculine or feminine,” the tech professional explains. “Elle (though still not widely adopted) provides an option for folks who identify outside...
And Florida courts have held that even such insults as "cockroach" and "mega-scumbag" do not constitute defamation, nor do references to a woman's "poor feminine hygiene." Despite being "crude and indecent," such comments were considered permissible as "satirical hyperbole."The bottom line is...
Modern gynecological and obstetrical hospital high-quality goods obstetrics, is one of hospital core administrative offices.The administrative offices venerate the user friendly the service idea, formulates most suits the Chinese feminine prenatal examination and the childbirth flow.Delivery large a[translate...
InEnglish grammar,singular "they"is the use of thepronounthey, them,ortheirto refer to a singularnounor to certainindefinite pronouns(such asanybodyoreveryone). Also calledepicene "they"andunisex "they." Though strictprescriptive grammariansregard the singulartheyas agrammatical error, it has be...