简单粗暴的说,thesis 就是中心思想!你也可以叫它主旨、论点。总之,thesis statement 就是用一句话表明...
Athesis statementis usually one sentence that tells the main point of your piece of writing-research paper, essay, etc. Thethesis statementis then "proven" throughout the paper with supporting evidence. When learning to writethesis statements, you may be taught to write athree-pronged thesis stat...
Thesis statements are oftenone sentence, however, in some cases (e.g. a very in-depth or detailed paper) it may be appropriate to include a longer thesis statement. You should ask your professor for their advice if you think you need to use a thesis statement that is longer than one se...
The Thesis Statement & The Topic SentenceOtherwise, it's just a disorganized mass of random information. The main reason you to take the time to research, plan out, and write an essay of any sort should be because you have a point to make. If not, why waste your time? An should ...
THESIS STATEMENTS A thesis statement is the main idea (topic) of an essay. It is often a point you want to argue or support in an essay. It contains your...
a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence. QUIZ Try This Easy Quiz On The March Synonyms Of The Day!
thesis statement 主题句 TheThesisStatement a 1 Definition:“Athesisisanidea,statedasanassertion,thatrepresentsareasonedresponsetoaquestionatissueandthatservesasofacomposition”(Gage70).Thecentralidea a 2 Howshouldwewritethethesisstatement?a 3 Athesisstatementisadeclarativestatement.Itisnotatitle,afragment,ora...
不仅可以和更多的同学一起学习,而且还有老师、助教随时的学习指导和知识点解答哦。 同学你好,thesis statement一般是放在第一段introduction的末尾,用于强调自己的立场,通常一句话短而精即可。topic sentence是你的论点核心,通常在每个body段的第一或第二句,让考官在读的时候立马知道你的每个论点分别是什么内容。希望对...
A thesis statement is a sentence in a paper oressay(in the opening paragraph) that introduces the main topic to the reader. As one of the first things your reader sees, your thesis statement is one of the most important sentences in your entire paper—but also one of the hardest to writ...