Research focus and questionnaire We noted in our enquiry, which was carried out by email and by telephone survey, that in some institutions, the term journal format thesis was used instead of thesis by published papers format. But we also drew attention to the fact that our enquiry sought ...
DOI: 10.1080/02673843.20 12.687689.Newton, M., Duda, J. and Yin, Z. 2000 . Examination of the psychometric properties of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Questionnaire-2 in a sample of female athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences , 18: 275–290. [Taylor & Francis Online]...
The goals of musical performance are various. They include such aspirations as authentic communication with an audience, self-expression, a sense of achievement, self-development, a desire to please others and both musical and poetical appreciation and enjoyment. These are positive, and imply enjoymen...
However, the responses to a different item (answered only by those who had already published at least once) on the same questionnaire seemed to—at first glance—conflict with the data inTable 2. Taken together, what can be gleaned from the data inTable 2versus the responses inTable 3is ...
Furthermore, one study reported using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire [42] (20 items) to measure “aggregate individual job satisfactions” [35], and each one of the remaining studies used a different scale to the rest (two used 2-item scales, two used 3-item scales, one a 4-...
6. Comparison of Disease Activity Score in 28 joints with ESR (DAS28) Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI) Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data with 3 measures (RAPID3) for assessing disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthrit...
Attachment security was assessed using the Experiences in Close Relationships--Revised questionnaire as well as with the Relationships Styles Questionnaire. Parental bonding styles were assessed using the Parental Bonding Instrument.;Results of the current study support the notion that less than optimal ...
The questionnaire consists of eighteen refusal situations that vary in terms of social status with three levels: low (L), high (H), and equal (E); social distance with three levels: intimate (I), acquaintance (A), and stranger (S); and gender relationship with two levels: same (S) ...
consumption experience at the dimensional level and to determine whether brand love mediates between consumption experience and customer engagement in the context of Generation M.Design/methodology/approachA sample of 265 Muslim smartphone users responded to a structured questionnaire adapted from existi...
Design/methodology/approach Using a self-administered questionnaire, data were collected from 294 academics of private universities in China, Malaysia and Thailand. The collected data were analyzed using partial least squares path modeling technique on R platform. Findings The study found that ethical ...