Proposalsummary–itisarestatementandspecificationofyourgoals;Bibliography–doitinthesamestyleyourresearchworkisgoingtobedone.开题报告 一.选题的来源、目的和意义二.国内外现状及发展趋势三.项目研究目标,主要研究内容四.采取的研究办法 五.预期的研究结果六.进度安排 Summary Athesisproposalisanoverviewofyour...
Book-<How to write a successful thesis or dissertation> Lunenburg, F.C. and Irby, B.J., 2008.Writing a successful thesis or dissertation: Tips and strategies for students in the social and behavioral sciences. Corwin press. Mauch, J. and Park, N., 2003.Guide to the successful thesis an...
5. Literature Review 文献综述 6.Research Questions and Hypotheses 研究问题和假设,整个Proposal以及未来硕士论文的核心部分 7.Methodology 方法 8.Research Plan and Work Schedule研究计划和工作进度表,这部分看院校要求,也可以不写。 9.Expected Results and Impolication results预期结果和意义 10.List of reference...
6.Research Questions and Hypotheses 研究问题和假设,整个Proposal以及未来硕士论文的核心部分 7.Methodology 方法 8.Research Plan and Work Schedule研究计划和工作进度表,这部分看院校要求,也可以不写。 9.Expected Results and Impolication results预期结果和意义 10.List of references参考文献 切忌冗长,列高质量的...
Thesis proposal基本要素 1.Title Page 封面 包括你的论文题目,名字,申请的学位,学院,日期等。 2.Abstract摘要 一般半页即可,忌过长。是对你的研究的summary。不会写的同学可以参考学术刊物中摘要的写法。 3.Table of Contents目录 4.Introduction 介绍
Summary: Restate and Specify Your Objectives An effective proposal usually ends by re-invoking the original thesis. How wil l research and its results finally illuminate the central question? How will y . 精品文档 ou demonstrate the validity of your original idea? You must convince the reade r...
Summary: Restate and Specify Your Objectives An effective proposal usually ends by re-invoking the original thesis. How wil l research and its results finally illuminate the central question How will y 6 ou demonstrate the validity of your original idea You must convince the reade r that there ...
The typicalparts of a thesis proposalare as follows. 1. Abstract This is the outline or the summary of your work and research methodology. 2. Introduction An introduction is what sets the stage for the rest of your paper. It puts the rest of your research and ideas in the correct context...
off your thesis proposal by introducing a summary of the complete proposal. This will explain the problem or issues you will address, investigate, or research. This section should be fairly brief, but should provide enough basic information to explain your proposed research and/or dissertation ...
Thesis proposal Conclusions and implications of research – explain the results expected, your work’s achievements’ contribution to the field, the methods you have chosen to use in order to ensure the validity and accuracy of the results; Proposal summary – it is a restatement and specification...