除了封面外,另加了“诚信承诺书”相关页,相关配置于jufethesis.cls文件中pagecover相关命令下,可根据需要修改。 附录格式 原稿中,对附录未做要求,通常而言学位论文未必包含附录,但是仍然提供基本预设命令。其遵循小三号宋体加粗居中格式,并且附录会在前页结尾换页。 参考文献 参考文献标题部分,采用三号宋体加粗居中格式。
This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page(s), list...
1a.SDSU Thesis Template This main template is an MS Word file. It contains styles that will assist you with formatting according to the University guidelines. It contains all the required preliminary page formatting necessary to prepare your thesis. Here are a few extra notes: ...
The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your document has a smooth, logical flow. Here’s how it’s structured: The title page/cover page Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary) Table of contents List of figures/list of tables Chapter 1: Introduction...
Konstantinos A Mountris Last Updated 8летназад License LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c Аннотация This work consists of the files cover_ubo.tex, cover_ubo.jpg. This work can be used to set the cover of a thesis according to UBO (Université de Bretagne Occid...
A report/thesis template (v1.7.1) that aims to simplify and improve the official (Xe)LaTeX template provided by the TU Delft. Ready-to-go with its rewritten class file and redesigned cover page. For the documentation, visit https://dzwaneveld.github.io ...
This repository contains a LaTeX port of the front page (in Italianfrontespizio) required for a thesis at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). Since I usedClassicThesisandLyXto write mine, I also provide a.lyxversion of the front page. I have made a tweaked template specifically for...
This is the official Leiden Observatory thesis template. It is optimised for writing a Bachelor or Master thesis in Astronomy and contains integrated custom Astronomy units. It supports a cover image, title page, fully automated nomenclature and more. The colour palette is selected around the colour...
使用Overleaf在线编辑只需打开发布在Overleaf Gallery里的模板,点击OPEN AS TEMPLATE即可使用,在线自动编译和预览。Overleaf模板唯一的区别在于直接使用放置在项目根目录的字体文件。论文写作指南论文封面论文封面和扉页由\makecover命令添加,可以显示论文题目,作者,指导老师等。模版不会生成英文扉页和独创性声明,这两页包括...
Title page– A page with key information about your thesis, typically including your name, the title, and the date of submission. Your school should have a standard template for thesis title pages, so make sure to check this. Abstract– A very short summary of your research. ...