Qt error:QtThese QT version are inaccessible 安装完Qt Add-in 打开VS2013的时候出现标题错误。 QTDIR 需要设置成Qt安装目录下的vc,这个vc目录下包含include,lib,bin等文件夹。或者是在Qt Option里面设置Qt的版本路径 references: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20330459/qt-5-1-1-with-visual-studio-2012...
The following error occured: These Qt version are inaccessible: qt in D:\Qt Make sure that you have read access to all files in your Qt directories. 1.method1: 1、卸载当前qt 2、打开注册表,搜索所有与包含Qt的项目,发现是Qt的注册表值,全部删掉 3、重新安装qt 2.mehtod2: 你的qt-vs-addin版...
the following error occurred: these Qt version are inaccessible: 4.0.8 in C:\QT1 makesurethatyouhavereadaccesstoallfilesinyourQtdirectories... make sure that you have read access to all files in your Qt directories 展开 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览31 次 可选...
Why are dupes popular? Finding dupes (short for "duplicates"), or products that replicate the experience of more expensive or inaccessible items, is panning out to be the biggest shopping trend of 2023 so far — largely thanks to TikTok, where videos about worthy copycats rack up millions of...