The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”English Standard VersionOn these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”Berean Standard BibleAll the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”Berean Literal BibleOn these two ...
St. Matthew (Matthew 22:40) says, "On these two commandments hang the whole Law and the prophets." There is no commandment greater than these, because all the precepts of the Divine Law are included in them. So that our Lord here teaches us that we ought continually to have these two...
forsake others, fight for the better, give up when in danger, be careful not to be quick, respond to your actions, protect yourself, and be alone. Go is clearly a game of victory, but the first of the Ten Commandments is “You must not be greedy,” and there are as many as ...
but he was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament, because it was through him that the Old Covenant, represented by the Ten Commandments and the Law, was made between God and the Hebrew people.
As if this weren’t enough, there are an additional two discs made up solely of special features. In all honesty, you could probably go years and still not have finished digesting all of it – the phrase “embarrassment of riches” seems like an insufficient descriptor. However you may ...
It was her great pleasure to watch you watch Jimmy hobble around for three hours in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, he would catch a pass or two to preserve your playoff hopes. But he didn’t. Of course he didn’t. Because, you see, you are merely Fantasy’s plaything, a ...
When I was born, way back in 1963, my name, Riley, was given to less than 5 babies born in the entire United States. I was in my middle 20s before I met another person with that name. Things have changed in the baby-naming world since then.
Rather that write down commandments, send angelic messengers, induce strange dreams, or speak audibly, God has given believers His own Spirit to change their hearts, to help them think as He thinks, desire what He desires, and then act as He wants them to act. ...
For starters,Lorne Michaels— the creator of SNL — wasn’t involved in any way. DirectorJohn Landishad free rein, and the results are thrilling. Even now,the car chasein this movie remains one of the greatest movie car chase of all time. ...
film (made to be shown in installments on Polish TV) presents a moral dilemma based on one of the Ten Commandments. A random murder, a diagnosis of cancer, the death of a dog--all are interwoven, all given equal weight. Considerably more uplifting than William Bennett's The Book of ...