theropoda ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 例子: suborder Theropoda (beast-footed dinosaur group) within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs— suborder Theropoda within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs— 兽脚类恐龙 查看其他译文
Noun1.Theropoda- carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs; Jurassic and Cretaceous suborder Theropoda animal order- the order of animals Sauropodomorpha,suborder Sauropodomorpha- gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having huge bodies with long necks and small heads: Prosauropoda and Sauropoda (...
Thermozeitschalter, thermozeitschalter(öffner), Thermozeitschaltuhr, Thermozeitventil, Thermozelle, Theropoda, therrnodynamic properties of exhaust, thesaurieren, thesaurierend, Thesaurierung, 德汉-汉德词典 。目恐龙。用户正在搜索gegenwartsbezogen, gegenwartsfern, Gegenwartskunde, Gegenwartskunst, ...
Aldubb - Theropoda 专辑:Mesozoic Valley 歌手:Aldubb 还没有歌词哦
兽脚类(theropoda)2、鸟臀目(ornithischia)鸟脚类(ornithopoda)角龙类(ceratopsia)剑龙类(stegosauria)甲龙类(ankylosauria)肿头 …wenba.ddmap.com|基于633个网页 3. 兽足亚目 1. 名词 [古生物学] 兽足亚目(Theropoda)动物 2. 名词 兽脚亚目恐龙食肉,用后肢行走 3. 兽脚类 4. 形容词 兽脚亚目的 www...
Theropoda 添加到生词本用户正在搜索musically, Musicals, musicassette, musicbook, musicbox, musiccase, music-electrotherapy, musichall, musician, musicianly, 相似单词3G, 401(K), a, 用户正在搜索musizin, musjid, musk, musk deer, muskatel, muskeg, Muskegon, muskellunge, musket, musketeer, ...
Theropoda 作者: Quelle Wikipedia / Bucher Gruppe / B·Cher Group 出版社: Books LLC, Wiki Series副标题: Archaeopteryx, Baryonyx, Incisivosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Compsognathus, Spinosaurus, Irritator, Citipati, Oviraptor,出版年: 2011-8页数: 104...
The meaning of THEROPODA is a suborder of Saurischia that comprises carnivorous digitigrade dinosaurs having premaxillary teeth, small forelimbs, and simple slender pubic bones meeting in a symphysis and walking on their hind legs.
Theropoda is derived from the Greek "ther" (beast of prey, wild beast) and "pod-" (foot). Relationships Dinosauria Ornithischia Saurischia Sauropodomorpha Theropoda Neotheropoda Coelophysoidea Averostra Ceratosauria Tetanurae Orionides Megalosauroidea ...