MCFis a unit ofvolume(usually the volume of natural gas). MCF is equal to1000 cubic feet; that M is a roman numeral for‘1000’, henceMCFstands forThousandCubicFeet. Thermis a unit ofheat content. 1 Therm is equal to100,000 BTU. BTU or British Thermal Unit is one of the most basi...
000 British thermal units. When measuring the energy from natural gas, however, you can also use cubic feet. To produce 1 therm of energy, you need to use about 96.7 cubic feet of natural gas. Converting between these two units will help you make sure you plan for the appropriate...
What happens to energy when it is employed for an objective? Energy degrades when energy is used for an objective. However the amount of energy is unchanges. Units: Energy is commonly measured in Joules (J). In the Physics literature, natural units are used for energy, namely the Planck...
The answer is 105505590. We assume you are converting betweendekajouleanddekatherm. You can view more details on each measurement unit:dekajouleordekathermsThe SI derived unit forenergyis the joule. 1 joule is equal to 0.1 dekajoule, or 9.4781707774915E-10 dekatherms. Note that rounding errors...
You can do the reverse unit conversion from newton meter to dekatherms, or enter any two units below:Enter two units to convert From: To: Common energy conversionsdekatherms to megaton dekatherms to petajoule dekatherms to hundred cubic foot of natural gas dekatherms to decajoule dekatherms...