Pierce magnetic beads Protease and phosphatase inhibitors Featured protein purification & isolation categories Related categories Fusion protein purification overview For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Your choices regarding cookies on this site ...
Pierce magnetic beads Protease and phosphatase inhibitors Featured protein purification & isolation categories Protein purification Protein purification is essential for a host of biochemical applications. With thousands of proteins, each displaying unique characteristics, it is crucial to develop a strategy fo...
大多数免疫沉淀采用蛋白A、蛋白G或蛋白A/G进行,后者是一种结合了四种蛋白A和两种蛋白G抗体结合位点的工程改造重组蛋白。蛋白A和G均对对多种不同亚类和种属的抗体具有高亲和力,所有分别能与蛋白A和G结合的抗体亚类均可与蛋白A/G结合。 蛋白A、...
蛋白相互作用-ThermoFisher Thermo Scientific Pierce Th S i tifi Pi 蛋实蛋白相互作用的研究方法和实践 罗莎 Rosa Luo Ph.D.Application Scientist Biosciences Division Thermo Fisher Scientific China
Figure 3. Beads from the ArC Bead Kit were stained with LIVE/DEAD Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain Kit (V34955) and analyzed by flow cytometry.A mixture of the positive and negative beads in the ArC Bead Kit (A 10346) were stained with LIVE/DEAD Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain Kit (V3495...
Thermo-life 4485033 CANDIDA ALBICANS BEADS EACH ¥16,154.00 EACH Thermo-life 4485034 CUSTOM CRONOBACTER SAKAZAKAII BEAD ¥16,154.00 BEAD Thermo-life 4485035 CRONOBACTER SPP. BEADS EACH ¥16,154.00 EACH Thermo-life 4485037 E.COLI O104 H4 BEADS EACH ¥16,154.00 EACH Thermo-life 4485039 E.COLI ...
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GIB670030 Gibco Resurge化學限定營養添加物套組 Gibco Resurge CD PAK 100 g/BOT, 共5瓶/組 (內含CD1~CD5) OXOAG0020C 厭氧袋 Plastic Pouches 20 pouch/BOX OXOAG0026A 厭氧缸底座 AnaeroJar Base 厭氧缸底座 OXOAG0027A 厭氧缸蓋子 AnaeroJar Lid 厭氧缸蓋子 OXOAG0028A 厭氧缸柄 AnaeroJar Handle...
rProtein A/G MagPoly Beads;免疫沉淀磁珠;厂家直供 泽叶生物品牌 上海泽叶生物科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥1939.00/盒 上海 thermo 88802 PierceA/G磁珠蛋白/链霉亲和素磁珠 上海力敏实业有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥0.50/件 广东深圳 BLM15AX700SN1D 0402 (1005metric) 铁氧体磁珠 一站...
Pierce Protein A/G Magnetic Agarose Beads Pierce Protein A/G Agarose Pierce Protein A/G Plus Agarose POROS MabCapture A/G Select Bead or resin size 10–40 μm 45–165 μm 45–165 μm 50 μm Binding capacity ≥40 mg rabbit IgG/mL beads ≥7 mg human IgG/mL...