文档信息 资源类别:文库文档格式:PDF文档页数:1054文件大小:27.22MB团购合买:点击进入团购内容简介 《热力学 Thermodynamics(I)》课程教学资源:阅读书籍文献_Fundamentals.of.Engineering.Thermodynamics.8th.edition刷新页面文档预览 共1054页,可试读40页,点击继续阅读 ↓↓...
文档信息 资源类别:文库文档格式:PDF文档页数:1060文件大小:27.22MB团购合买:点击进入团购内容简介 《热力学 Thermodynamics(I)》课程教学资源:阅读书籍文献_Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics(8th Ed)刷新页面文档预览 共1060页,可试读40页,点击继续阅读 ↓↓...
julionaojulho/thermodynamics https://github.com/julionaojulho/thermodynamics/ thermodynamics exercises "some pdfs; some ipynb; uses CoolProp;" "coolprop; python; jupyter;" "samplecode; python; jupyter;" opensource; "phaseequilibria; eos; thermodynamicproperties;" arthursoprano/thermodynamics-notebook A...
In this problem, we have only one flow stream, so E˙massflow=−[m˙(h+ke+pe)]out=−(10.5 lbm/s)[(1279.1+1.80+0.019) Btu/lbm]=−1.35×104Btu/s Exercises 1. Determine the percentage contribution to the mass flow energy transport rate in Example 6.1 of...
PRS) 3) To be able to explain at a level understandable by a high school senior or non- technical person how various heat engines work (e.g. a refrigerator, an IC engine, a jet engine). (quiz, homework, self-assessment, PRS) 4) To be able to apply the steady-flow energy equation...