K-Alpha 高性能紧凑型 XPS 表面分析系统 自2006 年推出以来,Thermo Scientific™ K-Alpha™ XPS 能谱仪为表面分析提供了全新的方法。 K-Alpha 能谱仪采用简化的工作流程,致力于提供高质量结果,使 XPS 的操作变得简单而直观,并且不会损失性能和 XPS 功能。 K...
Webinar: Thermo Scientific K-Alpha XPS System K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer features High-performance X-ray source The X-ray monochromator allows selection of analysis area from 50 µm to 400 µm in 5 µm steps, fitting it to the feature of interest to maximize the signal. ...
The Thermo Scientific K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) System brings a new approach to surface analysis. Focused on delivering high-quality results using a streamlined workflow, the K-Alpha XPS System makes XPS operation simple and intuitive, with no sacrifice in terms of performance...
The Thermo Scientific K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) System brings a new approach to surface analysis. Focused on delivering high-quality results using a streamlined workflow, the K-Alpha XPS System makes XPS operation simple and intuitive, with no sacrifice in terms of performance...
The Thermo Scientific K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) System brings a new approach to surface analysis. Focused on delivering high-quality results using a streamlined workflow, the K-Alpha XPS System makes XPS operation simple and intuitive, with no sacrifice in terms of performance...
Engineers wanting to understand surface-related failures. Run time: 10 minutes Speaker biography Dr Tim Nunney is Product Marketing Manager for the Thermo Scientific Surface Analysis (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) product line. His role involves all aspects of product marketing, including managing th...
Thermoscientific—K- 深圳市嘉惠捷科技有限公司 产品简介 我也要发布产品信息 同下 详细信息在线询价 备受赞誉的Thermo Scientific K-Alpha X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)集合了的性能、快速分析及杰出的化学灵敏度等优势。K-Alpha将前沿的单色化XPS优异性能与全智能自动化*结合,尤其适合于多用户环境。K-alpha的易操作性...
本公司生产销售控制器 控制器 变送器,提供控制器专业参数,控制器价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.控制器 控制器 品牌Thermo Scientific|产地广东|价格6000.00元|测量范围0-14pHN|温度范围0-45°C|温度电极Pt 1000|电源220V|型号pH2000W|重量0.5kg|输出信号4-20mA
Alpha-catenin in HeLa human cervical cancer cells was labeled using mouse anti-α-catenin and visualized with Alexa Fluor® 488 goat anti-mouse IgG (green). Filamentous actin was visualized using red-fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 635 ...
Surface Analysis The Basics & Beyond session (part 1) of the Ignite Surface Analysis Virtual Scientific Conference The speakers Tim Nunney (Thermo Fisher Scientific), Raheleh Azmi (KIT) and Dr Vinod C. Prabhakaran (NCL) give presentations on the basics of XPS. ...