Thermo King 20 Series 冷藏车辆配件说明书 20 Series Performance Parts Truck, Trailer & APU
Flow cytometry indicated a gradual shift in the mean fluorescence intensity of TBs in the Dox filter range relative to Salmonella alone suggesting effective membrane attachment (Fig. 2c). Notably, compared to TBs that were passively incubated with LTSLs (TB1; MFI: 8.16 ± 0.014), the ...
doi:10.1557/PROC-649-Q2.3Cross, Graham L.W.Despont, MichelDrechsler, UteDürig, Urs T.Rothuizen, HugoBinnig, Gerd K.Vettiger, PetrKing, William P.Goodson, Kenneth E.Cambridge University Press
14.3. CROSS REACTIVITY The IMAGEN HSV typing test was performed against other viruses likely to be isolated in cell culture from human specimens. All organisms tested (Table 14.3) were negative with both IMAGEN HSV 1 and IMAGEN HSV 2 reagents. Table 14.3 Viruses tested in the IMAGEN™ HSV ...
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W. P. King, T. W. Kenny, K. E. Goodson, G. Cross, M. Despont, U. Duerig, M. Lutwyche, H. Rothuizen, G. Binnig, and P. Vettiger, "Design of AFM cantilevers for combined thermomechanical data writing and reading," in Proc. Solid State Sensors and Actuators Workshop, Hilton...
KingWilliam P.KennyThomas W.GoodsonKenneth E.CrossGraham L.W.DespontMichelJournal of Microelectromechanical SystemsKing, W.P., et al., Design of Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers for Combined Thermomechanical Writing and Thermal Reading in Array Operation. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, ...
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Faculty of Food Engineering, University of Life Sciences “King Michael I” from Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, RO-300645 Timisoara, Romania 2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Life Sciences “King Michael I” from Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, RO-300645 Timisoara, Romania ...