Single-Use Mixers Storage and Transport Solutions DynaChrom Single-Use Chromatography System DynaSpin Single-Use Centrifuge Designed specifically for microbial fermentation The Thermo Scientific HyPerforma Single-Use Fermentor (S.U.F.) is pioneering the single-use tec...
DynaSpin Single-Use Centrifuge Discover the advantages of a comprehensive bioreactor portfolio, enabling scalability from research to cGMP manufacturing Biopharmaceutical applications requires a solution to support robust cell growth. Thermo Scientific offers a range of bioreactors perfectly ...
Subject matter experts in research and development, product management, and bioprocessing research introduce a single-use centrifuge, and its simplified, automated, intensified processing. Overcoming mAbs Development Challenges Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) show great promise for treating a variety ...
亚速旺优势供应 Thermo Fisher 赛默飞世尔 mySPIN 12 迷你型离心机 小型遠心機 CENTRIFUGE CC-5628-01 日本ASONE,藤野优势代理,日本亚速旺中国区正规授权,全系优惠供应! .特点: > ● 操作简便免工具式快速转头更换。 ● 失衡和倾斜安全断流器,以及可防止转头旋转期间意外打开的安全联锁盖。 ●在RCF要求较高的情况下...
Thermofisher 50122079 ST16R冷冻离心机/Sorvall ST 16R Centrifuge(临床及医疗套装)/大容量离心机|Sorvall ST 16R|ST 16R台式冷冻离心机|thermo台式冷冻离心机|索福离心机|水平转子离心机|采血管离心机: 体积:62.3cm*60.5cm*36cm 重量:91.5kg 储存条件:常温 ...
4L units offer high-performance processing, capacity and throughput Shop Thermo Scientific™ Sorvall™ Legend™ XT/XF Centrifuge and Rotor Packages at
型号:Sorvall Contifuge Stratos Centrifuge 品牌:Thermo Fisher 热电【美国】>> 实验淘订货号:2324030134 厂商订货号:75005297 支持电话:400-004-9928 24小时热线:13818625759 供应商 供应商资质 零售参考价 批发参考价 质保 期望购买数量 上海市 点击查看
型号:Sorvall ST 16R Centrifuge 品牌:Thermo Fisher 热电【美国】>> 实验淘订货号:2324030067 厂商订货号:75004380 支持电话:400-004-9928 24小时热线:13818625759 供应商 供应商资质 零售参考价 批发参考价 质保 期望购买数量 上海市 点击查看 点击查看 - + 点击询价 上海市 点击查看 点击查看 - + 点击询价...
6722.0530thermofisher液相柱赛默飞液相离子分析保护柱一级上海精瑞价格:¥2/台产品详情:【上海精瑞科学仪器有限公司 thermofisher 一级代理商】一家专业提供HPLC色谱柱、GC色谱柱、SPE前处理小柱和其他实验室常用耗材... 规格:6722.0530 货号:6722.0530 品牌:thermofisher ...
Centrifuge Tubes 12566441 Print Add capacity for your larger samples. The unique wide mouth design provides easy access for pipetting, decanting and removal of the pellet following centrifugation. Supplier:Thermo Scientific™ 376814 Catalog No.12-566-441 ...