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Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s current P/E Non-GAAP (TTM) sector relative grade is C-. With Seeking Alpha Premium, you can easily view each stock's full value grade, which takes into account key metrics such as P/E ratio, Price/Book, Price/Sales and Enterprise Value to EBITDA. See...
1)赛默飞世尔科技公司 Thermo FisherScientificInc. 赛默飞(纽约证券交易所代码:TMO)是美国飞世尔科技公司和热电公司 2006 年合 并而成。2021 年赛默飞营业收入达到 392.11 亿美元。其中,实验室产品和服务部门实现收 入 148.62 亿美元,其业务包括实验室冰箱、冷冻柜等通用仪器设备以及实验室化学品、实 验室耗材制...
Thermo Fisher Scientific is dedicated to improving the human condition through systems, consumables, and services for researchers.
美国ThermoFisher TVA2020 TVA2020 有毒挥发气体分析仪:双检测技术助力精准环境监测 TVA2020 有毒挥发气体分析仪由赛默飞世尔(Thermo Scientific)研发,是一款集火焰离子化(FID)与光离子化(PID)双检测技术于一体的便携式气体分析设备。其凭借高灵敏度、快速响应及广泛适用性,在环境监测、工业安全等领域展现出...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Annual stock financials by MarketWatch. View the latest TMO financial statements, income statements and financial ratios.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science, with annual revenue over $40 billion. Our Mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Whether our customers are accelerating life sciences research, solving complex analytical challenges, in...
List Price:The normal price for the product you pay, on our website or any other way you place your order. Any discounts are applied to list price. Contract or account or institution price:This is the price your institution negotiated with us for this product, if applicable. To see your...