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MAPKKK(MAPK 激酶激酶)随后被激活并调节 MAPK 激酶 MAPKK3 和 MAPK6 的下游激活,将 p38 直接磷酸化并激活。活化的 p38 随后调节多种下游效应子的激活,包括 MAPKAPK2(MAPK 活化蛋白激酶-2)、MAPKAPK3、MSK1/2(丝裂原和应激活化激酶)和 MNK1(MAPK 相互作用蛋白激酶-1)[17]...
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Thermo Scientific ThermoFlexTM Recirculating Chillers (Deluxe Controller) Thermo Scientific Manual P/N U00939 Rev. 09/14/2021 Multilingual Quick Start Guides Multilingual Essential Safety Instructions Installation Operation Preventive Maintenance Troubleshooting Visit our Web site at: http://www.thermofisher....
Inden filtret renses, skal stikket trækkes ud af stikkontakten og kølebadet tømmes for kølevæske. xii NESLAB Merlin Series Thermo Scientific Preface Procedures De Mise En Route 1°) INSTALLATION Il s'agit d'un groupe dont le condenseur est refroidi par air. L'air est ...
通过Thermo Fisher Cloud 远程连接VeritiPro PCR仪。在手机端或电脑端,通过Thermo Fisher Cloud 平台方便地编辑和安全上传您的实验程序,监控运行状态和检查仪器是否可以使用。 美国Thermo赛默飞ABI基因扩增仪梯度PCR仪 VeritiPro PCR仪特点包括: 通过 VeriFlex 技术进行温度优化: VeriFlex 模块由多个独立的 Peltier 加热...
Compare PARP1 (cleaved Asp214, Asp215) Antibody 44-698G from Thermo Fisher Scientific on
12-9078-41 Phospho-p38 MAPK (Thr180, Tyr182) Monoclonal Antibody (4NIT4KK), PE, eBioscience™ 25 tests 1,387.00 46-9078-41 Phospho-p38 MAPK (Thr180, Tyr182) Monoclonal Antibody (4NIT4KK), PerCP-eFluor™ 710, eBioscience™ 25 tes...
2011 Wnt Signaling Mediates Pathological Vascular Growth in Proliferative Retinopathy Authors: RB Chalamalasetty, W C Dunty Jr, KK Biris, R Ajima, M Iacovino, A Beisaw, L Feigenbaum, DL Chapman, JK Yoon, M Kyba, TP Yamaguchi Ischemic proliferative...
High-energy photoemission spectra (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) were recorded using a pass energy of 50 eV and a resolution of 0.1 eV. Curve-fitting analysis of the C1s peak was performed using the Gaussian-Lorentzian curve fitting function to result in the smallest least...