【上海精瑞科学仪器有限公司 thermofisher 一级代理商】一家专业提供HPLC色谱柱、GC色谱柱、SPE前处理小柱和其他实验室常用耗材、配件的公司,同时提供各种进口标准品和各类分析仪器欢迎咨询:15901762218 冯女士(微信同号)QQ:3295336257 33824500 SILV COBALTOUS/IC OXIDE FLASK(银咕) 33835312 High Quality Copper(还原铜...
Thermostable polymerases containing extensive 3´ to 5´ exonuclease activity, such as Platinum®Pfx, do not leave 3´ A-overhangs. PCR products generated with Taq polymerase have a high efficiency of cloning in the TA Cloning®system as the 3´...
We recommend isolating plasmid DNA using the PureLink™ HQ Mini Plasmid Purification Kit (Catalog no. K2100-01), S.N.A.P.™ MidiPrep Kit (Catalog no. K1910-01) or CsCl gradient centrifugation. Positive Control If you have performed the positive cont...
With HQ for sale, Thermo retains major N.H. presence.(N.H. JOBS)(Fisher Scientific Co.)(Financial report)(Brief article)Sanders, Bob
链接 Thermo Fisher Scientific网站 At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we work together to accelerate research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics, drive laboratory productivity and produce life-saving treatments for patients. We know that our people are the source of our global suc...
GoPure? HQ Pre-packed Column, 0.5 x 5 cm, 1 mL 45350030 分流直式衬管 用于ThermoUltra GC, 5mmID, 105mm, Pk 5 45350031 分流直式衬管,顶空衬管,用于Ultra GC,, 3mmID, 105mm, Pk 5 45350032 不分流聚焦衬管,一端渐细,用于Ultra GC,, 3mmID, 105mm, Pk 5 45350032-UI 超高惰性,不分流衬...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces its 2008 Europe Informatics ConferenceUnn | United News Network Gmbh
Refer to the map of pCR® 2.1 for the primer sequences and location of the primer binding sites. For your convenience, we offer a custom primer synthesis service. If you have problems obtaining transformants or the correct insert, perform the control reac...
链接 Thermo Fisher Scientific网站 At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we work together to accelerate research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics, drive laboratory productivity and produce life-saving treatments for patients. We know that our people are the source of our global suc...
链接 Thermo Fisher Scientific网站 At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we work together to accelerate research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics, drive laboratory productivity and produce life-saving treatments for patients. We know that our people are the source of our global suc...