与 Bradford法或Pierce BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒相比,免稀释Rapid Gold BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒无需稀释样品和标准品,从而可将实验时间减少高达 80%。 此外,它只需要 5 分钟的室温孵育。 经典BCA试剂盒也有内含免稀释 BSA 蛋白标准品的版本——Pierce 免稀释BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒。
与 Bradford法或Pierce BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒相比,免稀释Rapid Gold BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒无需稀释样品和标准品,从而可将实验时间减少高达 80%。 此外,它只需要 5 分钟的室温孵育。 经典BCA试剂盒也有内含免稀释 BSA 蛋白标准品的版本——Pierce 免稀释BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒。
BCA Assays Copper-based protein assays, including the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) and Lowry methods. Compatible with most surfactants—even if present in the sample at concentrations up to 5% Linear response curve (R2 > 0.95) Less protein–protein variation than the Coomassie dye–based assays ...
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Micro BCA Protein Assay uses a concentrated form of the BCA Reagents to accurately measure dilute protein solutions (0.5 to 20μg/mL). The Micro BCA Protein Assay Kit is a specialized version of the popular Pierce BCA Protein Assay for determining the protein concentr...
2 Test Tube Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:20) 3 Microplate Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:8) 3 Troubleshooting 4 Related Thermo Scientific Products 5 Additional Information 5 References 6 Introduction The Thermo Scientific Pierce BCA Protein Assay is a detergent-compatible formulation ...
Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Assay Test Compound 660 nm BCA Micro BCA ††Microplate BCA-RAC Coomassie Plus Coomassie Modified Lowry n-Acetylglucosamine 100mM 10mM Ø Ø 100mM 100mM n/a Na acetate pH 4.8 100mM 200mM 200mM
BCA (Standard), Pierce Micro-BCA™ Pierce 660 nm Protein Assay Biuret Warburg-Christian Cell growth (with scaling factor) Oligo calculator: molar absorptivity, molecular weight, factor and theoretical T m Fast, Full-range Scanning Kinetics ...
Designed for performance and reliability, the Thermo Scientific BioMate 3S UV-Visible spectro - photometer delivers accurate data from a compact instrument.The BioMate™3S offers pre- programmed methods for most common nucleic acid and protein assays. A variety of accessories adds convenience and ...
BCA assay principles Chemistry of BCA-based protein assays The Pierce BCA Protein Assays combines the well-known reduction of Cu2+to Cu+by protein in an alkaline medium (also known as the biuret reaction) with the highly sensitive and selective colorime...
微量BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒 用于稀释蛋白样本的总蛋白浓度检测。 货号名称规格目录价促销价数量 23246 Pierce™ Detergent CompatibleBradford Assay Kit 300 tube assays ¥1,704 ¥1,278 23235 Micro BCA™ Protein Assay Kit 480 tubeassays ¥2,287 ¥1,715 加入购物车 在购物车页面输入促销代码P...