Primers includedRandom primers & Oligo(dT)20Random primers & Oligo(dT)20Random primers Integrated gDNA removalNoYesNo ProtocolDownload protocolDownload protocolDownload protocol Other First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kits for RT-qPCR SuperScript IV First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-PCR ...
End-Point PCR and PCR Primers Support - Getting Started End-point PCR and PCR Primers Support - Troubleshooting cDNA Libraries and cDNA Library Construction Support PCR Thermal Cyclers Support Reverse Transcription and RACE Support Explore ou...
从设计到合成,高质量的引物都是获得成功结果的重要因素。使用我们的在线 Primer Designer™ 工具,从数据库中搜索合适的 PCR/Sanger 测序引物对。我们的数据库包含约650,000个用于人类外显子组和人类线粒体基因组测序的预设计引物对。从不同的扩增子长度中进行选择,以适应不同的研究应用...
Use our new and improved online search tool to find Taqman Real-Time PCR Assays & Arrays for your gene expression, SNP genotyping, and MicroRNA analysis. Also get access to learning centers and additional product and service information for TaqMan qPCR A
thermofisher Fermentas分子酶系列价格表 Invitrogen™ PureLink™ PCR Micro 试剂盒 货号: K310250 相关应用: DNA Extraction 货号单位规格价格(CNY) K310250 250 preps K310050 50 preps K310010 10 preps 货号 品名 规格 2022目录价CNY 分类 K2561 Maxima H Minus Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit 10 ...
品牌:Thermo Fisher 测量精度:±0.25°C 货号:4376598 加工定制:否 规格:样品容量:96*0.2ml 重量:24kg 测量范围:4℃–100°C 外形尺寸:24.6×51.2×51.2cm ABI StepOnePlus实时荧光定量PCR仪性能描述 StepOnePlus实时荧光定量 PCR 系统是一款 96 孔实时荧光定量 PCR仪,无论是初学者或是经验丰富的用户均适合使用...
Wahlberg J, et al. (1994) Solid phase sequencing of PCR products. In: McPherson MJ, ed.PCR II - A Practical Approach. Oxford: IRL Press, Oxford University Press. Nelson WM, Wojnar WA (1991) The use of photobiotinylated PCR primers for magnetic bead-based solid phas...
Sample prep KingFisher Sample Purification Systems serve a variety of applications: from SARS-CoV-2 and other viral/pathogen nucleic acid testing, to genomic DNA for genetic testing and the isolation cell-free DNA from liquid biopsies the KingFisher automates the isolation in multi-well format of ...
品牌: thermofisher 包装规格: 1 标记物: 1 样本: 1 检测方法: 1 应用: 1 检测限: 1 货号: 4460623 是否进口: 是 MycoSEQ™ Mycoplasma Detection Kit支原体检测试剂盒 The MycoSEQ™ Mycoplasma Detection Assay, based on real-time PCR and Power SYBR® Green detection technology, is ...
Thermo Scientific Oligo(dT)18 Primer is a synthetic single-stranded 18-mer oligonucleotide with 5'- and 3'-hydroxyl ends. The primer is supplied as a ready-to-use, 20X concentrated aqueous solution.Applications• cDNA Synthesis• RT-qPCR• RT-PCRRelated productsAnchored Oligo dT (Cat. No...