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Laboratory supplies Laboratory equipment Laboratory instruments Clinical and diagnostics Chromatography and mass spectrometry Chemicals Cell culture Protein and cell analysis Molecular biology and nucleic acid analysis Sequence-specific nucleic acid products Promotions New products Online offers Laboratory ...
Baths Set-it-and-forget-it accuracy, faster heat-up to temperature and easy calibration. Electrophoresis Optimum laboratory throughput and efficiency for gel electrophoresis. Ovens Our heating and drying ovens deliver consistent results from a variety of models to meet your applica...
Laboratory Refrigerators实验室冷藏冰箱 1 - 4 of 4 Products 容积(英制) 容量(公制) 托架 插头类型 温度范围 电压 监测选项 认证/合规 门数量 门样式 PL6500 实验室冷藏箱 Thermo Scientific™ Thermo Scientific™ PL6500 实验室冷藏冰箱用于通用储存应用。所有型号都具有高级警报选件以及可靠...
At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we enable QC teams to provide the highest quality output, protect against customer complaints and operate more efficiently. Access leading laboratory products for fast, accurate and reliable data collection. Does managing quality control in food and beverage keep you up ...。 法规支持: 有关产品或材料声明的规范性文档,请通过RocRegSupport@thermofisher.com联系 Nalgene 法规支持部 相关资源 Thermo Scientific 实验室耗材目录 耐化学性简表 Nalgene 实验室器具的维护和使用 合规证书 ...
At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we enable QC teams to provide the highest quality output, protect against customer complaints and operate more efficiently. Access leading laboratory products for fast, accurate and reliable data collection. Does managing quality control in food and beverage keep you u...
Our wide portfolio of laboratory ovens and furnaces offers stability and strict temperature control for a full range of needs—from simple glassware drying to the most complex, controlled heating applications. View more Our portfolio of pH meters, electrodes, solutions, and accessories for pH, ion ...
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Keep your lab stocked, equipped and optimized with our selection of lab solutions. We offer the labware and chemicals that you need every day, equipment and automation to streamline your workflow, and data management and analysis solutions to make the mo