The microtubules were detected with a mouse monoclonal anti–ß-tubulin primary antibody and subsequently visualized with the green-fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 488 Goat Anti–Mouse IgG antibody (Cat. No. A11001). The image was contributed by Jonathan Zmuda, Immunomatrix, Inc. Download...
图8.绿色荧光抗体偶联物的光稳定性比较。以下荧光山羊抗小鼠 IgG 抗体偶联物用于检测预固定测试玻片 (INOVA Diagnostics Corp.) 上 Hep-2 细胞中人抗细胞核抗体的小鼠抗人 IgG 抗体标记:Alexa Fluor 488 (A11001, ) , Oregon Green 514 ( ) , BODIPY FL (B2752, ...
第4步——检测靶点 检测是使用特异性抗体标记组织中的靶蛋白的步骤。直接检测是使用偶联的一抗,而间接检测是先使用一抗,再使用标记的二抗放大信号。直接检测的选择主要取决于组织玻片中的靶蛋白丰度以及是否有理想的偶联形式的一抗可供选择。Invitrogen™一抗和二抗有未偶联和多种偶联形式可供选择,可用于比色法和...
The selectivity of a given C18 phase can depend on the type of silane used and the synthetic conditions, as both of these factors will affect the density of the bonded phase on the surface. This density of the bonded phase is important since the greater the access of an analyte to the ...
2BOSJ11001-00-AA上海航欧优势产品461.126.17.AM.00.0上海航欧优势产品461.006.17.CG.00.0上海航欧优势产品SPS-8TA-318 AC125V 10A上海航欧优势产品SPS-5K上海航欧优势产品N2-4-4X2.3-FU01上海航欧优势产品M8H-27-USN09-A-7 DC3g上海航欧优势产品0823-6669-130上海航欧优势产品423-1037上海航欧优势产品P...
A11001 Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor™ 488 1 mg Contact Us › - T7471 Texas Red™-X Phalloidin, Red, 591/608 nm 300 units Contact Us › - Related Images A prometaphase muntjac skin fibroblast stained with Alexa Fluor® ...
颗粒神经元和神经胶质细胞混合细胞群细胞骨架的共聚焦显微图。F-肌动蛋白用红色荧光的 Texas Red-X 鬼笔环肽(货号:T7471)进行染色。使用小鼠单克隆抗-ß-微管蛋白一抗检测微管,随后通过绿色荧光 Alexa Fluor 488 山羊抗小鼠 IgG 抗体(货号:A-11001)显色。该图片由 Jonathan Zmuda (Immuno...
标签 a acid adipogen anti antibody antiserum bio c cd chemodex cosmo enzo fujifilm human mab ml mm monoclonal mouse osi pab Pall Rabbit recombinant sodium solution standard synkinase ug um wako wakopak Whatman 农药 单抗 单标 品牌 标准 混标 滤纸 生物科技 试剂盒 运输 金畔 零售价2025...
Previously, we have used FA-conjugated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (a 1D carbon nanomaterial) for targeted delivery of DOX to cancer cells [18]. In-situ forming thermo-sensitive hydrogel undergoes physical sol-to-gel phase transition as temperature increases. It can be easily administered via ...
Phthalonitrile polymers [1–5], a new class of thermal materials combining low flammability and high strength, have shown great potential in the aerospace sector as components for maintaining airframe loads in the next generation of aeronautical and space vehicle systems. In comparison to other high...