Good day, New owner of the above MB. It came with several accessories including a thermal sensor. What are some of the uses or what are you - 797688
Can someone with a G73jw (preferably a 3DE model) run SIV64X and HWiNFO32 and post the corresponding thermal sensor screens? I believe the sensors are labeled something like 'THR(0|1)(L|R)', at least in SIV64X.Thx in advance. Labels: Strix Laptops Strix Notebooks g73jw hwinfo32 ...
在Tinker Board S R2.0 系列的幫助下,Calumino的第二代 Sensor Hub 順利於 2022 年 8 月準時上市,且具備所有所需規格。自推出以來,此裝置已成功滿足所有效能期望,其可靠性也受到大力讚賞。 相較於搭載他牌 SBC 的前代產品,第二代CaluminoSensor Hub 的作業溫度更低,並且運作順暢無虞。得益於 ASUS IoT 的本...
thermal_sensor_config_a600cg.xml thermal_throttle_config.xml thermal_throttle_config_a500cg.xml thermal_throttle_config_a600cg.xml wrs_omxil_components.list framework lib media usr vendor .gitignore Breadcrumbs android_vendor_...
設定值有:[CPU] [MotherBoard] [VRM] [Chipset] [T_Sensor] [Multiple Sources] AIO Pump Step Up 本項目用來設定風扇的加速.等級 0 是速度的瞬時變化.等級越高,速度變化 越慢,也可能導致噪音更小,但這也會導致散熱速度更慢. 設定值有:[Level 0] [Level 1] [Level 2] [Level 3] [Level 4] [...