Y.S. Touloukian, and T. Makita, Thermal Properties of Matter, Plenum, New York, 1970.Touloukian, Y.S., Liley, P.E., Saxena, S.C., 1970. Ther- mal properties of matter, vol. 3: Thermal conductivity, non-metallic liquids and gases. New York and Wahington: IFI/Plenum....
University of CaliforniaSpringer, ChamTouloukian, Y.S., and Dewitt D.P. (Eds.), (1972), Thermal Properties of Matter: Thermal Radiative Properties--Non-metallic Solids, Vol. 8, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 142.Y.S. Touloukian, and T. Makita, Thermal Properties of Matter, Plenum, ...
Of all meteorite types, iron meteorites have the highest thermal conductivity no matter the experimental temperature (Fig. 9). It ranges from 22.4 W/(m-K) at 200K for Campo del Cielo (IAB) to 67 W/(m-K) at 301K for Morasko (IAB) (Opeil et al., 2010; Szurgot et al., ...
The thermal conductivities of materials are extremely important for many practical applications, such as in understanding the thermal balance and history of the Earth, energy conversion of devices and thermal management of electronics. However, measureme
Materials with ultrahigh or low thermal conductivity are desirable for many technological applications, such as thermal management of electronic and photonic devices, heat exchangers, energy converters and thermal insulation. Recent advances in simulatio
Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Thermal Expansion: Metallic Elements and Alloys, TPRC Data Books PlenumPress, NewYork (1975) Google Scholar [63] A. Guinier Théorie et technique de la radiocristallographie Dunod (1956) Google Scholar [64] S.M.C. van Bohemen The nonlinear lattice expansion ...
Carbon-based low-dimensional materials possess many properties that make their implementation in nanodevices a subject of great interest. With these impressive transport and mechanical properties, one such use includes its use as a component of a Cu-based electrode. To investigate the applicability of...
In this chapter, an overview of the current research progress on the thermal properties of beta-gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) is provided. Thermal properties of β-Ga2O3 are of great significance to the device reliability and performance in its potential...
View PDF Articles select article Micro-structural and components evolution mechanism of particular matter from diesel engines with non-thermal plasma technology Research articleAbstract only Micro-structural and components evolution mechanism of particular matter from diesel engines with non-thermal plasma tech...
The preparation of ZnO thin films with controlled electrical resistivity and optical properties is often challenged by the presence of defects, such as oxygen vacancies or interstitial zinc. Here, we investigate the material properties of ZnO polycrystalline thin films prepared by thermal Atomic Layer ...