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Versions Notes Abstract With the increased level of integration and miniaturization of modern electronics, high-power density electronics require efficient heat dissipation per unit area. To improve the heat dissipation capability of high-power electronic systems, advanced thermal interface materials (TIMs)...
The special properties of the particle structure, mechanism, and thermo-physical behaviors will definitely result in the distinct temperature variation and influence the operation of GSHP system compared to the granular soils [28–35]. The research of thermal balance has been conducted during decades...
Versions Notes Abstract Genetic association studies have shown their usefulness in assessing the role of ion channels in human thermal pain perception. We used machine learning to construct a complex phenotype from pain thresholds to thermal stimuli and associate it with the genetic information derived ...
Versions Notes Abstract In this paper, we address the thermal rise and Quality-of-Service (QoS) provisioning issue for an intra-body Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) having in-vivo sensor nodes. We propose a thermal-aware QoS routing protocol, called TLQoS, that facilitates the system in ac...