[66] used the Fluent CFD platform to study the transient behavior of a battery using a phase change material coupled with air-cooling. To model the phase change phenomena, two methods were extensively used in the literature, which are the effective heat capacity and the enthalpy methods [67]...
The numerical investigation involves a three dimension numerical solution of model by a commercial package ANSYS FLUENT 15.0. The boundary conditions of the model that solved by the numerical solution have been taken from the experimental tests. The experimental results indicated ...
[27], the current study combined thermal resistance analysis and numerical simulation to conduct a heat transfer analysis and structural optimization of a multichannel flat-tube TSU. A numerical model was established and verified using GAMBIT 2.4.6 and FLUENT 17.0, respectively. Thereafter, thermal ...
Since the temperature sensor is set to correct the background temperature, the use of Fluent simulation is mainly to get the temperature changes, so the model of the temperature sensor has not been established. Table 1. Physical parameters of simulation medium. 4.3. Single-Phase Water Medium ...
Ansys Fluent FLUIDS CFD software known for its advanced physics modeling and renowned for industry leading accuracy. Modern user-friendly interface Single window workflow—pre to post-processing Streamlined meshing and physics workflows Advanced physics modeling Efficient meshing and solver HPC scaling View...
Theoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ encapsulation phase transformations thermal energy storage/ encapsulated phase change materials thermal energy storage packed bed coacervation technique hvdrophilicity fluid heating process Eulerian granular multiphase model FLUENT 4.47 energy storage capacity surface response...
From comprehensive two-phase flow capabilities to advanced finite element analysis, our world-class software is a critical tool for any thermal or fluids engineer.
In the multi-phase hydrodynamic processes of high-speed vehicles, such as underwater emission and supercavitation navigation, it is necessary to consider the influence of thermal effect on the cavitation dynamics during the process of passing high temperature gas to form the cavitation.These dynamics ...
A two-dimensional model was employed to observe the evaporation and condensation process in the thermosyphon. Simulating the phase change process was achieved through an in-house user-defined function (UDF), which obtains mass and energy source terms, added to ansysfluent code. Utilizing 1-But...
The enthalpy-porosity method is utilized for melting modeling in the Ansys Fluent software. The governing equations are expressed as given below: Continuity:(1)∂t(ρ′)+∂i(ρ′Ui)=0 Momentum:(2)∂t(ρ′Ui)+∂j(ρ′UiUj)=μ(T)∂jjUi−∂iP′+ρgi+Si Energy:(3)∂t(...