Note:Conductonaut Extreme is a metal alloy and may leave optical residues. If the liquid metal diffuses into the heatspreader, the engraved information may become illegible and there is a risk that the manufacturer's warranty will be invalidated. ...
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(原装正品)暴力熊Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut硅脂液体金属导热 复购率: 22% 深度验商 ¥51.0 成交26笔 广州市 酷冷THERMAL PAD 13.3W 导热硅胶垫 显卡主板 m.2固态SSD硅胶片 复购率: 28% 深度验商 ¥29.45 成交23笔 广州市 暴力熊Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut/Extremet冷却膏导热硅脂导热膏 复购率...
最后一种就是液金,Grizzly系列 导热系数更是达到了可怕的73 W/K.M 79元/g PS:很难操作,如果流在主板上,将是毁灭性的灾难。请不要涂在带铝的物品上,将会引发化学反应。 暴力熊(Thermal Grizzly)Conductonaut( 德国散热品牌/液态金属导热硅脂) 1g (TG-C-...京东...
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Select ROG models feature Thermal Grizzly’s cutting-edge Conductonaut Extreme, which improves liquid metal's heat transfer even further. Compared to traditional thermal pastes, this indium- and gallium-based compound offers 17X higher conductivity and CPU/GPU temperatures up to 15 degrees cool...
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